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Excuse me how much

Ok I know its a little off of the clio theme.. but I just picked up my work van from renault.I have a Master.. it was in for a 36k service.Nothing too special... fuel/air/oil filters, fresh oil, check it over etc.... ok ... bill at the end... £360 !!! Also it the Catalytic convertor was replaced... and both! bottom ball joints.Bearing in mind my van is little over 1 year old.Luckily they did it on warrenty.They said the catalytic converter had almost cracked right through.It didnt sound like it was blowing... and I dont know why the ball joints would need replacing so soon, I dont bump it up curbs or anything..

Just thought it was interesting is all...

you race the thing dont you!!

you white van man! lol

i had a kangoo van for a while, ace bloody things! indestructable, handled great, you couldnt help but hoon it!

i got a kangoo at work! theyre sooooo much fun! u cannot make em slide round corners no matter how hard u try!! and it out accelerates our TD vans every time!!

yea, they are ace!!!

But they slide os easy (with no cargo) they are fab and i love them......the rear comes out a beaut!

lol.... we had a Kangoo but now I drive a Master.I can outrun Peugeot Boxers... cant outrun mercedes sprinters though lol ... all the power is between like 1300 and 2500 rpm as well... rev limiter is set at 3500 lol... aaaaand... get this... the front springs are inboard... now thats a true sports set up ;)
