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Exhaust sounding like it had a hot curry last night...


ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
Heard something this morning, but ignored it. However on the way home it has been made obvious... my exhaust is knackered.

Bit deep from set off, but then nothing until 3k RPM on any gear, but then it lets out an almighty rasp which continues up the range for a few hundred revs. Can't hear anything when revving from stand still, even at 3k RPM. If I rev it up to almost redline then let it drop, there's a slight metallic sounding 'spin' from the front somewhere.

With my last Clio 182 I had to replace the manifold to CAT ring, but I can't remember what was happening before now.

I was saving up for an aftermarket exhaust anyway (so it's probably the best thing to have gone wrong!) however, it's really not good timing for me atm, is there anyway this can be bodged up for a month or two!?
