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Experiment: Applying Snowfoam without a lance

Got my hands of some snowfoam so decided to give the car a blast today.

I'm pretty into car care and the like but I’m still getting up to speed with all this “detailing” stuff and yet to invest in the proper kit.
Been sticking to the old school methods up until now.

Anyway, I don’t have a foam lance to decided to see if there was any way to apply snow foam effectively without using a bespoke lance.
I had three options:

  • My pressure washer has a built in solution dispensor
  • Had one of these lying about the garage:

  • Also found this stuff on a shelf so thought I’d give the car a blast with the Halfords Shampoo and then fill it with snow foam and try it that way.

Buy a snow lance.
Although each method put the foam on the car, it wasn’t any more “foamy” than spraying the normal pressure washer solution.
The inbuilt dispenser on the pressure washer was easily the best as it got the thickest and best coverage.

That was followed by the Halfords sprayer and the yellow bottle thing was pretty rubbish.
The Halfords bottle with the Halfords shampoo actually gave the best results, better than the snow foam in terms of actual “foamyness”.

However, this has proved to me i need to buy a proper lance as there is no point applying snow foam without it.

Hope this saves someone else wasting as much time as i did!
Thats exactly the result i was looking for.....
But got nothing like it!
Just bubbly like a normal shampoo would give.

Definately going to invest in a lance as it seems the only way to apply the foam properly!
Good pics!


ClioSport Moderator
How much is said snow foam lance etc? Would i need a pressure washer to go with it? I know 0 about snow foam, but whenever i see the results i want to know more!
How much is said snow foam lance etc? Would i need a pressure washer to go with it? I know 0 about snow foam, but whenever i see the results i want to know more!

I've had a look around the internet and it seems you should be looking to pay between £45 and £50 for a lance. That will attach onto your pressure washer and spray the foam.

If you don't have a pressure washer then you can get one called a "Gilmour Foam-master" that seems to just to need to be attached to your hose. Don't know how effective it will be compared to a pressure water one, but i'm sure someone on here will have compared the two!
imo i think you have been a bit hard on the halfords bottle. I picked up some of the jeyes stuff (same thing branded differently) and for the cost its brilliant. The shampoo is rubbish BUT the bottle is good and foams up well!

£ for £ the Halfords/Jeyes bottles are by far the best value for money
imo i think you have been a bit hard on the halfords bottle. I picked up some of the jeyes stuff (same thing branded differently) and for the cost its brilliant. The shampoo is rubbish BUT the bottle is good and foams up well!

£ for £ the Halfords/Jeyes bottles are by far the best value for money

Agreed, its great value for money, and puts the stuff on the car. Can't knock it for price at all, esp as i paid £1 for it in the bargain bucket!

I was just rating it in terms of being able to put snow foam onto the car. As stated, the foam it gave was pretty poor with proper snow foam, but the foam with the Halfords mix was better. (though, your right, i can't see the own brand shampoo being that hot!)

I think maybe my expectations were a bit too high as i was hoping for really good levels of foam, which never materialised!
Still, for the money, your right, its a great wee buy, and its clever the way you can shut off the shampoo without having to detach the bottle from the hose.

But, i'm after foam, hence why i'm going for the lance!
I didnt have chance this weeekend to do it, but I am going to be experimenting as soon as i get chance to see what mix works well for foam with the haalfords/jeyes bottle. The amount of foam I got was impressive so I think with better shampoo it could be a go-er. We'll see though I suppose
Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

If you get a good mix that works well, let me know. Always handy to know!
