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Fallout : New Vegas


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

FFS i hate all this battling for DLC first its bullshit


South Central- West Berks
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Not sure which Preorder bonus to get, either the Classic pack from Game or Mercenary pack from Gamestation.


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

My choice was between Classic n Caravan, Caravan won (
  Octy VRS
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Meh, bugs, I'm getting it anyway. I've been having long load times and crashes with the F3 DLC but it's not that bad.

Just need to finish Point Lookout before Friday..

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

You guys keep mentioning you get different "perks" depending where you buy the game from...

Isn't it HIGHLY likely that they will release a game after its been out a while with all these "extras" included (I.E Like the GOTY edition with all the DLC packs in situ?) I hope so anyway :D
  Listerine & Poledo
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Cant believe the americans have already got it now, gonna have to steer clear of The Vault and NMA to avoid spoilers...... or sod it, I'll be getting that book anyway.
  LY 182
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Right. Pardon me for this. I've never played Fallout and can't be arsed to read the long reviews. Why's the game so good? Not looking for some fancy review from IGN or whatever, just why people love the game and what it's all about. Right now my gaming is all about COD but at some point I'd like to play something else haha.
  Megane 225 F1
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

I loved Fallout 3, but found that I was spending way to much time on it. I wish I had enough spare time at home and a working 360 :(
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Im trying to convince my mate to get this game. He's worried that as he didnt play Fallout 3 he will wont know whats going on. Is this the case? Do you need to have playing Fallout 3 to enjoy this new one to its fullest?


ClioSport Club Member
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

I don't think so. When Fallout 3 came out, my mate hated it... complained about it loads.

Once he played it for a few hours, he was addicted. This one will be the same.
  Octy VRS
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Right. Pardon me for this. I've never played Fallout and can't be arsed to read the long reviews. Why's the game so good? Not looking for some fancy review from IGN or whatever, just why people love the game and what it's all about. Right now my gaming is all about COD but at some point I'd like to play something else haha.
It's just f**king huge and you can kill s**t.
  Skoda Fabia vRS
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Right. Pardon me for this. I've never played Fallout and can't be arsed to read the long reviews. Why's the game so good? Not looking for some fancy review from IGN or whatever, just why people love the game and what it's all about. Right now my gaming is all about COD but at some point I'd like to play something else haha.

its the best value game you will ever buy, even though you probably hammer COD online id still say you can put more hours into Fallout once your hooked
  LY 182
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Is it more comparable to something like GTA then? Or is it just like some never ending killing spree? Does look good!
  Octy VRS
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

It's more interactive than GTA. More random stuff happening and just much bigger in general. GTA is mainly an open landscape. Fallout is that plus underground tunnels, whole buildings etc etc. You can't really compare them but I enjoy both as there is no set path. You can bugger about and do what you want.
  LY 182
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Cool. I'll probably get it around Christmas time when I have a couple weeks off work. Can see myself being immersed in Black Ops for ages and would like to hold on to some sort of social life... :star:

(Gives me a chance to let all you guys talk about hoe awesome it is too lol).


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

You guys keep mentioning you get different "perks" depending where you buy the game from...

Isn't it HIGHLY likely that they will release a game after its been out a while with all these "extras" included (I.E Like the GOTY edition with all the DLC packs in situ?) I hope so anyway :D

were not paying any extra for them bud, also the suits and weapons arnt available on the game with the code and there only available once.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Indeed. I want the Merc pack, or Classic.
  Octy VRS
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Yep, PS3 later on. I guessed that was on the cards.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Will it be as late as with F3 though?!

I'd done all but one of the DLC's before PS3 owners got the first.

Surely they can't leave it that late again?
  Octy VRS
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

No details yet but I'm rushing to try and finish the DLC before it comes out as I know I won't go back to it.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Yes. Yes I can.

Fallout: New Vegas' similarities to Fallout 3 are obvious. The setting is different, but the aesthetic is the same – crumbling buildings, settlements comprised of shacks, unending waves of dusty, tortured wasteland dotted with ruins from a happier past. The combat is the same, with the same divisive VATS system that lets you target limbs or gun arms to cripple an enemy's ability to fight back. You still rely on your PIP-boy, a Filofax for the post-apocalyptic future, to organise the weapons, armour, quests, information and salvage that you can scavenge from your hopeless surroundings.

You'll forgive me, then, for focussing on the things that are different. Because in some respects Fallout: New Vegas is a very different game from Fallout 3, and that's largely because it's better written. It understands that sometimes you must do awful things for a greater cause, or choose the best of two bad options. It offers you decisions all the time, but it rarely forces you to make any. It understands that morality is ambiguous, and subjective, and that games shoving obvious choices in your face undermines their emotional maturity. It knows that sometimes there is no right choice.

More Fallout: New Vegas VideosIt often fools you in this regard. The game's central conflict between the people's militia, the New California Republic, and the slave-driven empire of Caesar's Legion seems like a black-and-white decision between well-meaning lawmakers and murderous, barbaric fiends, but neither of them is a force for good, and over the forty or fifty hours you can easily spend with the game you'll see the worst side of both of them. Similarly, the families vying for control of the the Mojave Wasteland's glittering, neon-lit New Vegas are all as bad as each other. Fallout: New Vegas' focus on factions is less facetious than it first appears; it's never just a matter of siding with one at the expense of another.

The Mojave Wasteland, a post-apocalyptic Nevada, is a better setting than the Capital Wasteland. It's smaller, but there's no less to do, making uneventful treks across barren scenery a thing of the past. It draws you out all over the place, pointing you in four directions at once, never telling you to explore but rewarding you greatly when you take the risk. The complete absence of a mutant-infested subway makes it easier to get by without guns and handle situations the way you want to.

When you eventually get to the New Vegas Strip, you realise that the rest of the wasteland so far has been foreplay. Your Luck stat suddenly becomes very important, especially if you get drawn into the city's sinful culture. New Vegas, like Fallout 2's New Reno, is at once fascinating and hugely depressing, a centre of tawdry entertainment for miserable, damaged, bored people run by malicious, manipulative powers. It's the embodiment of Fallout's nihilism, a cheap, neon shadow of former glory that's nonetheless the most attractive thing in a irreparably devastated world.

Fallout: New Vegas has strong, clever dialogue as well as good writing and quest design. Characters are duplicitous, foul-mouthed, desperate, broken, suave, or all of the above. The voice acting is much better, too, which really helps carry the game's hundreds of interlocking stories. It's a serious game, overall, with moments that are genuinely sobering, but there's also a wicked undercurrent of black humour; in the face of such desolation, the Wasteland's inhabitants have developed an amusingly cynical worldview. Fallout's uncompromising violence, too, is double-edged; seeing crucified Caesar's Legion victims dying in agony isn't funny in any way, but watching a raider's head explode really is.

This isn't all Obsidian's work, obviously. Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3 share a talent for subtle scene-setting that Bethesda first mastered in Oblivion. Much of the wasteland's detail and narrative texture is in the background, in places that you're never told to go looking; written down in computer logs in abandoned buildings that have nothing to do with quests, strewn in a bloody mess at the roadside, hidden away in journals and lockboxes and side-rooms.

The Mojave Wasteland is so believable because it's an incomplete puzzle. So often you'll push open a door to a new location somewhere out in the wastes, unprompted by mission markers, and know only that something terrible happened there. Bethesda knows how to build a game world that works, and Obsidian knows how to write quests and dialogue that aren't bland. They're a perfect fit.

Like Fallout 3, New Vegas can feel inaccessible. This is a role-playing game in the classic sense; you have to play to your character's strengths. Becoming a nuke-launcher-wielding hard-ass with a Strength stat of 4 is impossible; equally, you'll never see all the dialogue options without high Charisma, and getting the most of the wasteland's technology needs high Intelligence. You'll close off options to yourself right from the first decisions you make about your character, but you'll also be forced into playing in non-conventional ways, and discovering the sheer breadth of options that New Vegas offers you – particularly in Hardcore Mode.

Playing Fallout: New Vegas in hardcore mode is a revolution. You become a true wastelander, collapsing onto whatever roadside mattress you can find to stave off sleep deprivation, lapping dirty water from toilet bowls to hydrate yourself, going through every bin and abandoned building you can find for morsels of irradiated food and dying almost every time you venture off the beaten path. Skills that otherwise lurk at the bottom of your priorities, like Unarmed and Survival, become absolutely essential. Perks that you'd otherwise skip over become lifesavers.

It doesn't just make things harder – it's not a wasteland Hard mode that artificially gives mangy raiders thousands of hit points. It changes the whole way you play the game, completely altering your worldview. Ammunition has weight, so there's more of a reason to explore Fallout: New Vegas' vastly improved melee weapons. Instead of obsessing over your next quest goal, you're scouring the horizon for buildings that might have water, or a settlement that might have a doctor to heal your crippled limbs.

Because Fallout: New Vegas' most important improvement upon Fallout 3 is the writing and quest design, it's impossible to wax lyrical about them without spoiling it, or to pick out particularly affecting characters and situations for fear of influencing how you might react to them. Like 3 and Oblivion before it, New Vegas is a game to share stories about, one that lets you carve your own path through a beautifully constructed world. If you felt that there was just something missing from Fallout 3 – some indefinable quality of soul – you may well find New Vegas especially satisfying.

Closing Comments
Fallout: New Vegas is the game that many wanted Fallout 3 to be. It's harder, more ruthless, better written and more morally ambiguous. It's a game we’ve been wanting to play for more than a decade, a real modern re-imagining of the Fallout series, complete with that deliciously black humour. But it's also more of the same, aesthetically and technically identical to Fallout 3, wonky facial animation and all. The ever-so-slightly ageing technology only marginally detracts from what is otherwise an expansive, fulfilling and ambitious game, unmatched in scope and maturity. If Obsidian were to make another Fallout game, we certainly wouldn't say no.

9.0 Presentation
Fallout's juxtaposition of cheerful retro-futurism and unending decay has always been inspired.
8.0 Graphics
Only character models and facial animation, which are still wooden and unbelievable, detract from the majestic desolation of the wasteland.
8.0 Sound
The limited music and sound effects have a Western, cowboy flavour, but ultimately the wasteland is a silent and desolate place. The voice-acting, happily, is much improved.
9.0 Gameplay
If there was a 'Script' score in this summary, it would be a 10,
9.0 Lasting Appeal
New Vegas is a huge game, and you'll want to explore every last inch of it.
OVERALL Outstanding
(out of 10)

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Awesome review. Can't wait to play it now :approve:

I won't get a go on it until Monday, so I will be feeling really left out in here :(
  Evo 5 RS
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

I enjoyed Fallout 3. Never bothered with any of the DLC, and until recently thought this was more of it! Might have to give this a go.
  Mk2 Golf GTI
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

I really need to get into the first one. Only got to the bit where I was getting flamed by a load of ants and then stopped playing. Maybe I should give it another go.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

I don't want any more DLC for this, not unless it's actually any good anyway.
  Octy VRS
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

I thought Broken Steel was a great add on as it just added more to the main story. The others are slightly detached which IMO isn't worth it. Point Lookout seems f**king hardcore enemy wise. Used tons of stimpaks.

I hope the DLC for this will just add more locations etc to the main map rather than seperate areas.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Broken Steel was decent, but Operation Anchorage and the Pitt were a bit grim.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

I'm still getting it on PC, DLC not that arsed about, at the rate I'll be playing it I'll probably still be on the main campaign anyway. Excited much?

  Mito Sportiva 135
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Yeh Broken Steel was ok actually, Ancorage was ok for the weapons...the rest were a waste of money though!
  Listerine & Poledo
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Anchorage was really handy for a new playthrough if you wanted to get power armour and a load of energy weapons quickly.

I left the vault, got the megaton house (I know, I know, cop-out!), then straight to the simulation. By the time I'd come out I had another 3 or 4 levels acheived and a suit of T51-b. Things couldn't get easier from there on out.

Looking forward to hardcore mode this time out!
  Listerine & Poledo
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

I'm playing it on Hardcore. 100%

I'll be PM'ing you as a shoulder to cry on when it all goes wrong..... well, up until thwe guide book arrives.

All I know is that you'll need minimum amount on your special of:-

IN - 5
CH - 6
LK - 6


ClioSport Club Member
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

I've always gone for a character with high charisma and luck, so it shouldn't be too bad. Ammo weight will be a c*nt though.
  Octy VRS
Re: Fallout : New Vegas - Released 22/10/2010

Hack and Slash gameplay.
Guardian review
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