Received the game this morning. Happened to have a day off work today so i've had a quick go with it. Pretty impressed. Handling is 100% better than last year, although it does feel a bit imprecise - but i think thats only my lack of experience with a wheel and how easy these cars are to drive on the edge. I have had a go with a Mclarren in grand prix and now a Lotus in Career and its like night and day. The lotus just slides everywhere, very hard to drive fast. The tyres also work very well to effect how the car drives.
The graphics are not all that, not a vast improvement on the previous game imho, a few bits of the game have juddered for me (ps3) but nothing thats really bothered me yet. The loading times are longer, but not that bad really.
Really enjoying it, haven't tried it with a pad yet. Wheel is too much fun, although still locking brakes far too much - wish the brake pedal had force feed back!