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Fiesta ST Crash at the Nurburgring (clio camera car)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Can't see it :( must have been removed?

8 months until i'm back over there :D
Its still there I think.

Sadly this is why filming is banned at the ring, because one day someone will film a very serious accident, and the anti ring people will be all over it. Bans there for a very valid reason. Also in a case like this, if the guy had died, and the police got hold of that video, it could of been proved that the following car was "racing" and he'd of been in serious trouble. First question the Politzei ask at an accident.


ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
hmmmmm....... well bit of a reality check right there! wonder if it was standard as its a standard system bar de-cat from the pics so possible standard suspension set up. Either way lift off oversteer is something special in the ST :(
  Integra Type-R DC2
Its still there I think.

Sadly this is why filming is banned at the ring, because one day someone will film a very serious accident, and the anti ring people will be all over it. Bans there for a very valid reason. Also in a case like this, if the guy had died, and the police got hold of that video, it could of been proved that the following car was "racing" and he'd of been in serious trouble. First question the Politzei ask at an accident.

Pretty valid reasons I guess. Id always assumed (being the nieve person I am) that it was just a case of serious kill joy-ness.
Yup, no different if you a cam in your car on the road, were doing silly mph with another car and they crashed, Its just evidence. Its a de restricted toll road, but in a case like that police can and will say excessive speed was a factor, and then regardless of no limit or not, you are accountable, just as you are on the autobahn etc.
Hope the lads ok.

If I ever do the ring, which I do plan on doing i'll be pretty much doing sight seeing laps. Not a track to do flat out unless you have a lot of experience on it.
Hope the lads ok.

If I ever do the ring, which I do plan on doing i'll be pretty much doing sight seeing laps. Not a track to do flat out unless you have a lot of experience on it.

Just drive well within your limits, always being aware of your surroundings (esp bikes).
If you're sensible, it's no more dangerous than a UK trackday IMO.
You can know the track inside out and still be forced to lift where you shouldn't, You can't always account for people changing line, accidents round blind corners etc, having said that he should of antisipated catching the biker. I imagine he knew the camera was on, and that leads to "on it" syndrome, Not wanting to spoil that lap for youtube.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
You can know the track inside out and still be forced to lift where you shouldn't, You can't always account for people changing line, accidents round blind corners etc, having said that he should of antisipated catching the biker. I imagine he knew the camera was on, and that leads to "on it" syndrome, Not wanting to spoil that lap for youtube.


I personally think its a bad idea going out in a pair or a group of cars as it will always lead to competitiveness and then accidents!
Mikey C filmed me once, results below, and racing drivers excuse, In actuality I lifted mikey missed the part where we were on the grass a foot from the armco. I aint filmed since then, I learnt a valuble lesson, it was my 3rd or 4th lap. I've been filmed once, but by a mate in his Elise, and he didn't say he was filming, hence a normal lap. [video][/video]
  200 FF Storm Grey
After seeing a few similar vids and pics, I doubt I'll ever go. I don't see the point in going all that way to mooch around slowly, and with all the traffic/bikers etc I wouldn't want to go over and drive hard.

Same, too much risk if you're going to drive like you want to, or you potter around which makes it pointless going.

Cornering on the peak of a hill is never good, the cars weight is just non-existent.
Its not about leathering round, You can have just as much fun if not more, with 4 mates in a car, pootling and just looking at the scenery. Its about the experience, the cars, the people, the place. If you can't go there as a petrol head, pootle round and still have a great time, You aint a petrol head.

Its a risky place, I will be going less and less in the future, I'm going on friday, But i won't be doing laps, I'm just going to see my mates and have a quick beer.
  200 FF Storm Grey
You live over there than I take it? Long way to go for a swift one with the mates lol
I'd still like to do a trackday, but I just don't think it's worth doing in a day to day car like mine. If/when I have the money in the future, then maybe a second car. It must be an amazing experience in the Golf Weeman!
When it doesn't break its engine its awesome





ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
I'd still like to do a trackday, but I just don't think it's worth doing in a day to day car like mine. If/when I have the money in the future, then maybe a second car. It must be an amazing experience in the Golf Weeman!

Totally worth it imo. You can have fun on track in pretty much anything. Even an s3!


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Just drive well within your limits, always being aware of your surroundings (esp bikes).
If you're sensible, it's no more dangerous than a UK trackday IMO.

I agree, but the Armco seems a lot closer from vids etc. And I can get insurance for a uk trackday. The potential for financial ruin seems epic at the ring.
Looks good Weeman.

True BB, but I wouldn't want to play with my own day to day car. Although I use it less and less, I still need it. So would have to get something like an MX5, roll caged etc.
It has just been classed as a closed track by the ombudsman I think, after a lengthy court battle, which means, even those UK insurers that didn't mention it specifically will now have a reason not to pay out, It is indeed a concern.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Agree with the previous comments, having been to the 'Ring I can see the appeal... It's much more about the experience than getting quick laps, we were going round at a decent pace without taking unnecessary risks. It's nothing like a trackday really as the change in risks influence your decisions while you're there, even someone like me would take it steady lol.
Ford Fiesta ST £8000
Ferry Ticket £50
Fuel £150
Lap of the 'ring £18

Look on your face when you roll your car going too fast around a track you don't know..................................priceless!!!
  Silver 182
I keep looking at it again and again. Obviously the bike had impact on him.. was fairly close.. biker didn't like being over taken in the first place, so biker got him back, bike doesn't seem to be a fast one in the first place otherwise he would have left fiesta long time ago.

So fiesta was playing around with the bike trying to keep up and probably wasn't paying enough attention to the car and the track.
I just keep looking on the corner just before a crash.. cant seem why the back slid that bad? Guy in the clio only slid because he was braking hard and steering same time.. even then by the looks of the car and steering wheel such slid was soo minor. So why did fiestas back just went like that? Going tooo fast than the fiest can hold?

The lift-off oversteer normaly occurs if you got budget tyres + you going too fast for the car to handle (Oversteering cars have an associated instability mode, which occurs at and above the critical speed[1]. As this speed is approached, with the car on an approximately straight course, the steering becomes progressively more sensitive. At the critical speed the yaw velocity gain becomes infinite, that is, the car will turn violently in response to the slightest steering input or external disturbance (c) Wikipedia )

But fiesta aint no rear wheel drive to have a lot oversteer, unless its on a sh*t tyres
I keep looking at it again and again. Obviously the bike had impact on him.. was fairly close.. biker didn't like being over taken in the first place, so biker got him back, bike doesn't seem to be a fast one in the first place otherwise he would have left fiesta long time ago.

So fiesta was playing around with the bike trying to keep up and probably wasn't paying enough attention to the car and the track.
I just keep looking on the corner just before a crash.. cant seem why the back slid that bad? Guy in the clio only slid because he was braking hard and steering same time.. even then by the looks of the car and steering wheel such slid was soo minor. So why did fiestas back just went like that? Going tooo fast than the fiest can hold?

The lift-off oversteer normaly occurs if you got budget tyres + you going too fast for the car to handle (Oversteering cars have an associated instability mode, which occurs at and above the critical speed[1]. As this speed is approached, with the car on an approximately straight course, the steering becomes progressively more sensitive. At the critical speed the yaw velocity gain becomes infinite, that is, the car will turn violently in response to the slightest steering input or external disturbance (c) Wikipedia )

But fiesta aint no rear wheel drive to have a lot oversteer, unless its on a sh*t tyres

Do you have any idea about what you are talking about?

Biker is fater in that section because it is a f**k off straight bit with fast bends. Guy in the Fiesta is playing with him, he just has no idea what is going on track-wise, hence the massive lift off of the throttle, followed by massive lift-off oversteer.

It has f**k all to do with cheap tyres.
Unless this is the complete coincidence and another Fiesta ST was rolled followed by a 172. I was staying at the same hotel as these guys.beginning of July when this happend.

The guy driving the ST had to be airlifted to hospital and was still in hospital when I left a few days later...
Just realised it shows the helipcopter at the end...but yeah the guy was not in a good way and they wouldn't release his car till he paid the ££££ for the closure etc...
  Clio Cup,Leon 1.8T,Eunos
A good mate of mine crashed there at Easter - walked away, but then it was a properly built car.

My first trip out, first lap out as a passenger my friend said "this is where people crash & die" because if you get a leg on, it's a good 130mph location, and often the first "fast" point on the road that people have to brake.
  Silver 182
Do you have any idea about what you are talking about?

Biker is fater in that section because it is a f**k off straight bit with fast bends. Guy in the Fiesta is playing with him, he just has no idea what is going on track-wise, hence the massive lift off of the throttle, followed by massive lift-off oversteer.

It has f**k all to do with cheap tyres.

I do know because i know the difference between the slicks and the budget crap that dont warm and melt enough on the track. How do i know, because i drive often enough dads exige s. If they dont "melt" they dont stick to the track. Even driving around my 182 i never ever had such a huge oversteer in such a fast bend as did that guy in the fiesta. wtf has he been doing.. redlined the motor all the way into the turn and lifted off all the way while turning? My point is having a decent tyres that stick to the road plain silly on a nice day makes a big difference.

Than again i never been to the ring, and it that case yes i don't know what i am on about, since i dont know that track
I do know because i know the difference between the slicks and the budget crap that dont warm and melt enough on the track. How do i know, because i drive often enough dads exige s. If they dont "melt" they dont stick to the track. Even driving around my 182 i never ever had such a huge oversteer in such a fast bend as did that guy in the fiesta. wtf has he been doing.. redlined the motor all the way into the turn and lifted off all the way while turning? My point is having a decent tyres that stick to the road plain silly on a nice day makes a big difference.

Than again i never been to the ring, and it that case yes i don't know what i am on about, since i dont know that track

Not really sunshine, plenty of people have used budget tyres on track, the problem is they heat up too much!!! They get too hot and wear very badly as the tread blocks melt.

As for that corner, he did exactly that. Went in flat out, thought he was going too fast and backed off, simple.

I doubt the bike had much to do with it to be fair, he would have been planted into that corner regardless, he just wasn't expecting the bump to give such a huge reaction to his lift-off. Which he wouldn't have needed to do if he took the time to learn the circuit before going "hell for leather".
  Silver 182
Not really sunshine, plenty of people have used budget tyres on track, the problem is they heat up too much!!! They get too hot and wear very badly as the tread blocks melt.

As for that corner, he did exactly that. Went in flat out, thought he was going too fast and backed off, simple.

I doubt the bike had much to do with it to be fair, he would have been planted into that corner regardless, he just wasn't expecting the bump to give such a huge reaction to his lift-off. Which he wouldn't have needed to do if he took the time to learn the circuit before going "hell for leather".

Sunshine.... ? No need for that my friend.

Dont know.. the only time i tried budget tyres on a track they didn't get warm enough, sliding all over the place, perhaps if i used them whole day than they would have melted away as you say.. Otherwise use 888s for lotus and potenzas for 182

anyway its pointless arguing with you as you should know alot more than me :) i learnt something new about the ring, thats all i care about as i wanna go there
  clio 200
lucky to be alive. I always though the ring was a public road if not forgive my ignorance.

Well we all know what FORD stands for

Found On Roadside Dead
  LY R26 230 F1 Team
Jesus, will post this up on PT as a warning for their 'Ring trip in September.

I want to go next year but am saving up to get the car PROPERLY prepped first.
