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Finally got the ///M - Byzanz Metallic BMW E36 M3 Evo Saloon.

Hi all, apologies for the late reply.

@ColinG the cars not for sale as such, however it would command a pretty high premium to prize it from my hands. ha. In recent months I've settled with the fact that I may keep it forever (genuinely) and transport it with me when I move to Australia in the next 18 months.

If you want to have a chat about it more, send me a PM buddy.



ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Hi all, apologies for the late reply.

@ColinG the cars not for sale as such, however it would command a pretty high premium to prize it from my hands. ha. In recent months I've settled with the fact that I may keep it forever (genuinely) and transport it with me when I move to Australia in the next 18 months.

If you want to have a chat about it more, send me a PM buddy.

M Cars (providing you can get them past the corrosion inspection) are worth a f**king fortune in Aus.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Oh I've checked mate! ;) I've not heard about the corrosion check however, you have any info on that?
You know my mate Sam?
He took an old M535 over, 2 Monaro's and a 1990's Merc.

Any imported cars have to go through a test, very strict, and it cannot have any corrosion or oil leaks. Anywhere.
The slightest hint and they'll tell you to get fucked.
They'll put it on a ramp and go over it with a fine tooth comb.

I'll text him now and ask what it's called hold on...


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I asked what the tests were called...
"The monaros needed a compliance plate and vehicles with out one need to go through tests and all sorts of s**t to get one - whys this???"
I asked what the tests were called...
"The monaros needed a compliance plate and vehicles with out one need to go through tests and all sorts of s**t to get one - whys this???"
Mines in no way shape bad apart from the standard little bit on an arch, they'd pick that up? Its a bloody 20 year old car, and is going somewhere warm and dry where it shouldn't rust! lol


ClioSport Club Member
As Dan says they go through quarantine and they don't like rust. We shipped a car where the owner said they cleaned it. When it arrives they found leaves under the bonnet and wouldn't release it.

Another good one is getting it wet vac'd before shipping then letting it get sweaty in a container. They think it's nice and clean for inspection but it's a mould fest when it arrives. They're then not letting you have your car.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
As Dan says they go through quarantine and they don't like rust. We shipped a car where the owner said they cleaned it. When it arrives they found leaves under the bonnet and wouldn't release it.

Another good one is getting it wet vac'd before shipping then letting it get sweaty in a container. They think it's nice and clean for inspection but it's a mould fest when it arrives. They're then not letting you have your car.
Yep. He had oil around the oil filter housing on one of them, not even a leak and they refused it.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Mines in no way shape bad apart from the standard little bit on an arch, they'd pick that up? Its a bloody 20 year old car, and is going somewhere warm and dry where it shouldn't rust! lol
No rust. At all. Even underneath.
As Dan says they go through quarantine and they don't like rust. We shipped a car where the owner said they cleaned it. When it arrives they found leaves under the bonnet and wouldn't release it.

Another good one is getting it wet vac'd before shipping then letting it get sweaty in a container. They think it's nice and clean for inspection but it's a mould fest when it arrives. They're then not letting you have your car.

Jesus! I know that they're very hot on trying to keep their eco-system in check however it does all seem a bit crazy! I was reading up on it last night just importing it to Australia once I'm there, it did say about steam cleaning it inside and out prior to exporting it!

It does worry me as I would absolutely love this car to move to Aus with me, its easy to buy one out there but whats the fun in that! haha There's one other over there currently in Byzanz Metallic that was exported from the UK quite a few years ago, highly doubt i'll find that out there!

Don't suppose you can send me a message with what service you provide, a couple of people on here have spoken highly about what you do and would rather lace your palms then some random company!

Yep. He had oil around the oil filter housing on one of them, not even a leak and they refused it.

No rust. At all. Even underneath.

Looks like i'll be sending it the bodyshop sooner than I thought! I did see that you're only allowed to import 1 car every 5 years, was Sam a trader over there or something?

I wanted to buy this a few years back. It's certainly had some dollar spent on it by Nick now!

That was some time ago now! Its had a pretty penny spent on it indeed, however aside from a full repaint and a couple of wear and tear parts I'd like to think I'm over the worst of the issues! Lol



ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
I just think you're a legend for signing up to the forum to share your M3 with us. Based on the fact you have the same car (colour and model) and you're from Sweden. It nice :)
Wow, its been a little while!

Firstly Hi Leben and I must admit you have a great looking car! ;) Is it an Evo like the UK market?

So yeah, thought given a took a couple of snaps a couple of months back with @Budgie that I best put them on here! I've been pretty horrendous for updating project threads but given I haven't done anything with this car there isn't much to update! lol

Anyways, still have the car and haven't used it, but here's the pictures...









A little list has formed of bits its needs and then bits I'd like to do whilst I'm working on it...

Engine Mounts
New Steering Rack and Arms (plus any other steering component that is worthwhile
Lower Arms
Valve Clearances

So just got to scope out where to get everything and then get cracking with it so I can hopefully get a few miles in it before the year is out.

Hope everyone is well.



Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Depends on the night @Budgie

Off work from tonight and can do any evening other than Friday. Be good to have a catvh up!


ClioSport Club Member
I am available every night bar Wednesday and Friday. I might be able to squeeze Wednesday as it's because I should be working until 8pm but might sack that off. Friday is a no go as it's our wedding anniversary, if I sloped off for a pint my life wouldn't be worth living :(
