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  E36 323i coupe
jonesyx said:
oh and the police do f**k all about fogs round here!

First off: what Williams025 says is absolutely right.

Secondly re the quote above, because, contrary to popular belief most Police are not concerned with "easy convictions" in motoring offences, and DO have far better things to be doing.

Re whoever said having sidelights and fogs on is ok, which Police Force told you that bo11ocks?
  Cup 172
The thing that pisses me off more than front fog lights is people who have no lights on at all in very poor driving conditions such as fog and heavy spray.

Also what is the point of people driving with sidelights on? Are their wrists so weak that they couldn't manage a second turn of the stalk, or are they saving the battery? Surely you can be seen better if you have normal dipped beam on in about 99.99% of all conditions?
  E36 323i coupe
True, Mike! And worse still those that drive around and you see them day in day out with only one headlight working. But as you say no lights in poor driving conditions: exec cars (generally grey or silver) in heavy spray, no lights -> FOOLS!
  E91 M Sport
Especially those 5-series owners who will insist that they show off their angel-eyes sidelights, day or night!

Want to impress us? Get an M5! ;)
MIKE-CUP said:
The thing that pisses me off more than front fog lights is people who have no lights on at all in very poor driving conditions such as fog and heavy spray.

Also what is the point of people driving with sidelights on? Are their wrists so weak that they couldn't manage a second turn of the stalk, or are they saving the battery? Surely you can be seen better if you have normal dipped beam on in about 99.99% of all conditions?

Totally agree. I'm sure that in the US it's a requirement that if your windscreen wipers are on (as it's raining) then you should be driving with dipped beam too?

There's absolutely no point in driving around with just sidelights on, day or night. During the day they ain't gonna help your visibility and if it's dark enough that you feel the need to put some lights on, then it's dark enough to go all the way to dipped beam and let other drivers see you. Maybe Volvo have been doing the right thing all these years...
  E36 323i coupe
Ally said:
There's absolutely no point in driving around with just sidelights on, day or night. ...

Don't agree entirely. My sidelights are quite bright for dusk time, but the reason I use them is when it is not dark enough for dipped beam, but shadows are cast across my dash, and illuminating the dials stops me from getting eye strain!
I acknowledge your point but don't agree with you on that one I'm afraid! In my opinion, if its dark enough that there's shadows across your dash then it's dark enough that your dipped beam should be on. That was the point I was trying to make. It's always better/safer to err on the side of caution.

And if you're getting eye strain from not being able to read your dials, then imagine the other drivers getting eye strain trying to see your car in the shadows...
  172 cup TT
I think most people SAY "Urgh fogs are wrong" only because they think thats what they SHOULD say and want to be in the majority!.. i think most people would actually like to have their fogs on to be "cool" but just turn into sheep and pretend they dont like it :) (i wont say my view as either way i would be wrong due to my comments above)
  E91 M Sport
Fair play (to Ali). If its dull, dark, cloudy, raining, foggy, snowing, hailing, eclipse, etc. turn your dipped beam on. No harm done!
  E91 M Sport
Floodie said:
I think most people SAY "Urgh fogs are wrong" only because they think thats what they SHOULD say and want to be in the majority!.. i think most people would actually like to have their fogs on to be "cool" but just turn into sheep and pretend they dont like it :) (i wont say my view as either way i would be wrong due to my comments above)

That's an interesting point you've raised. I sort of agree with where you're coming from - except I'd say that I honestly don't like it primarily because of what it stands for; aggressive, chavist and nob like behaviour.
Floodie said:
i wont say my view as either way i would be wrong due to my comments above

Come on, get off the fence and give your view - that's what makes the discussion board a good laugh! ;)

Me, I honestly can say I've only used the fogs when it's foggy. I think it's wrong to have fogs on at other times simply because they're distracting and can dazzle other drivers.

Mike - you've just described the typical weather conditions in Aberdeen lol ;)
  B-road bully
i dont use mine, but i dont see the fuss in them, they dont dazzle, unless ur drivin 2inches off the road...
  172 cup TT
Mike : Yes i agree... i dont at all think personnally it makes the car look WORSE with fogs on.. you see alot of ARTY car shots with their fogs on...

Ally : :) well, i couldnt say "i dont like fogs" as ive just argued against that ha(paradoxical)!.. but my view is : i hardly ever use fogs.. it would probably be single figures in the last year... BUT im wondering if im influenced by the "you look a t**t / nob / chav" and THATS the only reason i dont at normal times.. Actually, i had to do a journy the other day with a front head light out.. so i only had my sidelights on PLUS fogs... i hated it but couldnt decide what was best because i had a dodgy pair of front tyres and didnt want to attract coppers attention to my "bulb out".. so i thought by making the car symetrical any coppers that came my way MAY not bother pulling me over and then find my dodgy tyres :)... BUT they could have pulled me over for me having fogs on... there was no absolute right answer...
Williams025 said:
It is illegal to use fog ligjhts unless there is seriously reduced visibility (less than 100 metres), full stop. And if the conditions are so bad you need to use your fogs, you should have your main beams on.

I'm guessing you've never driven in fog from that statement. Putting mainbeam on in fog is about the worst thing you can do. All the undipped light you are throwing out at the fog reflects back off of the waterdroplets in the air meaning you see f**k all.
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Coming from someone who owns a full size car (CTR) and someone who also has a go kart (Mini Clubman), fog lights piss me right off.

In the Civic its not a problem except people with fog lights on, when its not foggy look like a f**king blind ghey.

In the Mini yes they do dazzle, yes they are irritating and get right on my nuts.
Loony said:
I'm guessing you've never driven in fog from that statement. Putting mainbeam on in fog is about the worst thing you can do. All the undipped light you are throwing out at the fog reflects back off of the waterdroplets in the air meaning you see f**k all.

No. In 20 years of driving I've never driven in fog! Course I have, LOL!

I think you have misunderstood my comment. By main beam, read 'dipped beam' (main beam I believe is the correct term for the dipped beam, meaning the main headlight itself, though I could be wrong). I think you have interpreted 'main beam' as 'full beam' which is incorrect, and yes, driving in fog with the 'full beam' on turns thinkgs into pea soup, but that is not what I said / meant.
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Alot of people use main/highbeam to describe the the lamps in the undipped (brightest position) So i took it you meant the same. I did think it a little odd but then i know plenty of people who drive in fog with lights blazing despite the fact it actually reduces the distance they can see. Normally in the misguided notion that more light = more visibility in all conditions.
  RB 200 Cup!
Loony said:
I'm guessing you've never driven in fog from that statement. Putting mainbeam on in fog is about the worst thing you can do. All the undipped light you are throwing out at the fog reflects back off of the waterdroplets in the air meaning you see f**k all.

  1.8 16v clio mk1
whats the big deal on fog lights anyway?they aint even that bright on a valver,even if there white or yellow.say ur driving down tne road ur gonna notice the car with the fog lights on before anyone else.agree?i think its some sort of car-fashion statement
  E91 M Sport
I've got instant respect for anyone with proper French-style old school yellow lights. No danger of getting dazzled by those candles. lol
  Leon Cupra R 225
my mate drives around anytime of the day with his fogs and sidelights on in a 1.4 corsa c sri and its so irritating

  RB 200 Cup!
_Kenny_ said:
Seems to be a lot of fannies in their 1.2 SXi Corsas that do it where I stay. Muppets!

funny i moaned about my bro driving around with em on - and he has a 1.2 sxi corsa - LOL!!
Point is it is illegal to do what has been descibed, no matter what anyone thinks. It is not COOL as virtually evrey car now has them. Smaks of insecurity for a lower spec. to make it seem higher in the higherarchy. When I started in 1980 no one had fogs and even 10 years ago very few did. Now everyone has "bar the basic models" and now no one follows the rules. They are there for a reason, i.e. not to make you THINK you look better but to aid road safety.

Without the vision impairment NO NO NO NO. This does not mean daylight, darkness or any other reason these sad and frankly idiotic people feel any justification.

OFFENSE and OFFENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  Astra SRi T
ok im prob gonna get shot down for this comment,i know it is illegal but why? fogs are so low down they dont really dazzle , well ive never been dazzeld

(ps i dont drive with my fogs on either;))
  Astra SRi T
but i do agree that driving around in day light with ur fogs on is a bit stupid!
however i think that getting pulled over by the police and fined is pointless and just to make money!

When car manufacturers put front fogs on cars i dont really think they were intened for fog, because if they were to be use in reduced visability for safety surley they be fitted to all cars like rear fogs are?!?!?!
On the sidelights issue I'm a believer in using these during the day and quite frequently do. I will dig it out somewhen but I read a study that found driving with sidelights on during the day reduces the risk of someone colliding with you by 15%.

But I also see where people are coming from when they say "why not just used dipped beam then", I tend to switch the sideys on to illuminate the dials more than anything.

Thinking about it, what are sidelights actually for?!
  Astra SRi T
ukaskew said:
On the sidelights issue I'm a believer in using these during the day and quite frequently do. I will dig it out somewhen but I read a study that found driving with sidelights on during the day reduces the risk of someone colliding with you by 15%.

But I also see where people are coming from when they say "why not just used dipped beam then", I tend to switch the sideys on to illuminate the dials more than anything.

Thinking about it, what are sidelights actually for?!

i to occasionaly use my side lights during the day, as you said for dial illumination, and also i think it is safer as the rear lights are illuminated i think thats prob where the colliding bit comes in , i do tend to take more notice of the car in front when thier lights are on.
  Black Gold 182
wxmlad said:
When car manufacturers put front fogs on cars i dont really think they were intened for fog, because if they were to be use in reduced visability for safety surley they be fitted to all cars like rear fogs are?!?!?!

i agree, even though they are called fog lights doesnt mean its their only use. over here in the middle east there are no fogs usually but everyone has them on! maybe for the dust?


ClioSport Club Member
Surely some of them are driving lights though. Doesn't really bother me unless they are really bright, hell we've all done it! I'd say following a car with its REAR fogs on is 100 times for annoying.


dezert said:
i agree, even though they are called fog lights doesnt mean its their only use. over here in the middle east there are no fogs usually but everyone has them on! maybe for the dust?

I think common sense is the answer here. I f your visability it too bad for normal lights to be enough whether that be fog or sand or whatever then they should be used. They shouldn't be used in normal night time conditions and especially not during the day. They can daze drivers, we have a lot of little hills round where we live so when they come over them and down towards us it does hurt your eyes.

