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Footwell cathodes?

  Racing blue 182 turbo :-)
u could scotch lock them to your lights so wen u turn your lights on they come on thats what i did.
  '52 clio 1.2 16V
ryan any further details about how you did it? want to do this in mine so they only come on with the doors open & possible being able to turn them on/off manually.
Don't really have any electronic knowledge though.


ClioSport Club Member
fook me they are cheap! 93pence for 2 12" tubes and an inverter! :eek:

i was loookign at gettign a very similar kit on ebay and there were a good few pounds!


ClioSport Club Member
dont get them, possibly one of the chavvyest and most stupid looking so called 'mods' that could ever be done.2
  Racing blue 182 turbo :-)
just put the wires so they are on the head light wireing but i wouldent get them the break easy very easy
On the electric scene, what ever u decide to do FF sake dont use scotch locks, they are the biggest pile of donkey pooh in the world, not very good contacts are made and they are ugly and give problems in later life.
use proper connections, splicing in a wire does not require to cut a cable only a little work with the soldering iron and will give a lot better result
  Civic Vtec y0
i used to sell them on ebay, and i bought them off ebuyer lol!

I made about 4k selling them and I was young a stupid and pissed it all up the wall! :(:(:(:(

Now im a bit more sensible and mega skint!
  Racing blue 182 turbo :-)
Only truble with doing that with a soldering iron is that when you come to sell the car it will be a problem
  BMW F31
did these in my old clio :eek:

did some for the missus' sister recently lol.

very easy to wire to doors, just need to wire the positive to the interior light in the ceiling and the negative to the switch wire at the interior light, hers came with a little box with a switch which is under her seat so she can switch them off.

tbh i think they look good but agree they are deffo chavvy lol :eek:
  Renault Clio 1.2 RN MK2
heres how i did it (very basic)

1) the only 2 end wires you need are the yellow wire from the switch and the black one from the black inverter box.

2) now all you have to do is wire the yellow wire from the switch to any 12v power source, and wire the black wire to and suitable ground (e.g a bare metal area) i used the 12v lighter socket from my undercar neons


here are some useful pictures

Many Regards


PS and no i dont have anything like this on my clio, i did it to my puma


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