kaido full circuit (forwards)
car: http://forums.forzamotorsport.net/forums/post/3160069.aspx
supra but i used his setup
car: http://forums.forzamotorsport.net/forums/post/3160069.aspx
supra but i used his setup
anyone used this: http://forzatune.com/
I had that problem when I first got xbox live.
When I last checked, there was no way to transfer the game save across.![]()
The Turn 10 Studios Blog
The home of Turn 10 Studios, creators of Forza Motorsport 2 on Xbox 360.
.DoNotDisplay { display: none; } Forza Motorsport 3: Week in Review (11/6)![]()
By: Che Chou
Strange as it may seem, life at Turn 10 has been anything but typical of the slack post-release atmosphere you’d expect from a studio that’s just released an epic, labor-of-love, critically-acclaimed undertaking in the racing genre. Quite the opposite, the leads team here seems to have found new projects for just about everyone at Turn 10. Most of the folks are focused on our next DLC car pack slated for release sometime early December (more info on this insane 10-car monstrosity at a later date) as well as our next title-update for Forza Motorsport 3. There is currently a hefty amount of DLC in the works and this will continue for as far as the eye can see.
From a community team standpoint, however, this release has ramped up in a very similar fashion to Forza 2, except luckily for me, I have the support of Landin and Fred this time around. My favorite part of the job this time is that I’m spending a good chunk of time playing the game in all its various glories – particularly the multiplayer/community portions of Forza 3. First and foremost is the fact that content on the Storefront has absolutely blown away my already lofty expectations. And it isn’t just the volume of quality user-generated content out there – we knew there’d be a lot – but the fact that it’s not just livery designs this time, but also all manner of layer groups (logos/pictures), photos, and replay videos too. It’s the latter two groups that have surprised me the most. Photographers have come out of the woodwork with Forza 3, putting onto their Storefronts some truly breathtaking works of art.
Likewise, just the other morning, as I was drinking my coffee and settling into a grueling session of email catch-up, I caught wind of the gymkhana run replay by DC Jake on Benchmark High Speed Ring, using his 2008 Subaru STi. What I saw kind of blew my mind; here was this very technical and choreographed gymkhana run created using only the default replay camera angles… now imagine what the end result could have been if DC Jake exported his replay video into an editing suite and created a stunt run with soundtrack at 720p. So in the spirit of what we used to do with our Weekly Pitpass Reports, Landin and Fred have gathered some of the best content we’ve seen out there to highlight here in this blog. What’s truly remarkable is that when I step back and look at the big picture, I realize that Forza 3 has only been out for a couple weeks worldwide, yet, has the user-generated content and community maturity of a title that’s been on the market for a year. If it’s anything like what we saw with Forza 2, we’re in for one heck of a ride.
Before I hand the soapbox over to Turn 10’s game director Dan Greenawalt, and deputy community manager Landin Williams, I want to hit on a few hot topics currently burning a hole in my notepad.
Image by Mistikal GCHQ - Visit this players My Forza page for more.
Turn 10 @ SEMA 2009
Like many in the auto industry, Turn 10 attends the Specialty Equipment Manufacturer Association (SEMA) conference each year. Although we’re obviously not purveyors of specialty equipment manufacturing, we go every year to meet with our auto industry partners and connect with the larger auto community to get inspired by their infectious car passion. This year had its share of cars that both impressed and puzzled us. Anyway, we’ve documented some of our cheers and jeers here in our SEMA 2009 gallery. Oh, and also to be filed under awesome is the fact that we finally got to check out James Elterman’s Takata Time Attack STi up-close and personal.
By far the biggest highlight of SEMA 2009 for me was when Turn 10’s game director Dan Greenawalt met by chance with Polyphony Digital’s Kazunori Yamauchi, while they were both outside admiring cars. They exchanged introductions and had a very brief but obviously cordial conversation before resuming their respective car crawls outside of Central Hall. Since Dan and I were both weaned from the Gran Turismo games, meeting Yamauchi-san was an honor I felt should be commemorated with a proper snapshot. From the perspective of a bystander on the sidelines who plays both Forza and Gran Turismo, this meeting of the minds was both a surreal and incredibly cool opportunity for me to witness.
Dan Greenawalt Meets Kazunori Yamauchi CEO of Polyphony Digital! Check out all the images on Turn 10's Flickr page here for a look at Turn 10's visit to SEMA 2009 in Vegas.
Multiplayer Hopper Evolution
The first week (and a half) numbers are in for our multiplayer matchmaking hoppers and they pretty much confirm what my gut has been telling me over many hours spent in multiplayer – first of all, people are playing and playing in droves. Over the past week, we’ve had approximately 1.5 million matchmaking games played globally, with a good chunk of the action happening in the Circuit Racing A Class hopper, followed by the catch-all Drift hopper. You can see how all the hoppers breakdown in popularity and usage below. So based on the initial data of the A Class hopper’s overwhelming dominance, we’ve rolled out a couple more hoppers this week: A Class Pro and B Class. Both these hoppers are designed to split out A Class players into smaller groups and into their own hoppers.
There’s a really important thing to note here and that’s our methodology when it comes to hoppers. I’ve brought Dan Greenawalt to join us for this Week in Review blog to go deeper into his design vision and the future of the hopper system. But I just want to mention that there are only two ways to effectively influence how hoppers evolve: The first is to play matchmaking. We’re looking at server numbers (because it best represents the global community) and we’re splintering popular hoppers into their own subsets. So for instance, if we were to introduce a hardcore hopper (no assists, full damage, the works), would we use A Class as the initial baseline? Probably so (but I’m just thinking out loud).
Secondly, we’ve started a thread and poll to gauge the Forzamotorsport.net community on a hopper they’d like to design for themselves. Basically, if you could design a hopper or game type, what would it be? Obviously, there needs to be consensus. Landin has gone through and selected game types that he’s seen the community suggest already and has created a poll to see which idea will be the most popular. The idea is that there will be a hopper section that will be community feedback driven and we can be very dynamic and flexible with it – updating it once a week, etc. Anyway, it’s obvious you guys are passionate about it so go and check out the thread.
So that pretty much wraps up my bit. I’ll hand it over to Dan and Landin now. Peace to all!
Multiplayer and Matchmaking Design Vision
By: Dan Greenawalt
Heading toward the New Year and beyond, we’re planning to evolve the title and the franchise to better serve our growing community. Now obviously, when I say community, this includes you guys on FM.net as well as the far larger community that is not represented on enthusiast forums. Our current plan includes community driven iteration in Time Trials and Hoppers, extensive downloadable content, as well as short and long-term feature roll-outs on the client, server and the website. I’d like to take a moment to outline one component of the plan – hopper evolution.
As Che’s mentioned in the past, we’ve been spending the last several weeks tweaking our server parameters that control matchmaking. Our matchmaking goals should be pretty obvious: to make sure that players are connected 1) as quickly as possible 2) to full lobbies that are 3) not in progress with players of a similar 4) Trueskill, 5) region/language and even 6) career progression level. As with any search problem, based on how the search parameters are weighted, the quality of the search results as well as the speed of return can change radically. Furthermore, the smaller the number of entries to poll, the less likely the search is to return a quality match on all of the criteria. For this reason, it’s in everyone’s best interest to keep the community large and engaged so that the available numbers to poll stays high even in off-peak times.
Up to now, the hopper list has remained fairly small, static and generic. I’m sorry for any frustration this has caused any of you. For the first few weeks, we had to keep the hopper list small in order to better control and verify the results of our tweaks to matchmaking. This smaller hopper list focused our players (you guys) into a smaller number of larger pools and thus allows us to rapidly iterate on matchmaking settings and ensure higher quality search returns. I’d like to thank you for bearing with us while we collected this data and iterated on matchmaking.
Image by Dewstain - Visit this players My Forza page for more.
Moving forward, we’re going to continue to fine tune the matchmaking criteria, but we’re also going to begin the next phase of our plan… introduce many new hoppers with a variety of rules. Our goal is to have more than enough hoppers to serve our diverse community while maintaining (and even increasing) the quality of our matchmaking results. Most new hoppers will be completely data driven. For example, if the data shows that one hopper is getting more than enough players to maintain quality matchmaking (i.e. Circuit Class A), we will attempt to fracture its numbers into two or three hoppers by introducing variants of the original. Hopefully, these variants will bleed off a significant percentage of the players in the original while also providing much needed variety. This will involve lots of experimentation and iteration. Players will “vote” with their actions. The data will tell us if a variant is popular or should be further evolved.
Advanced matchmaking, hoppers, the Xbox party system, private lobbies and advanced host rules are actually a suite of features that were designed to work together. When matchmaking is fully dialed in and the pool is large, players can find others with similar interests and skills. From here, they can form a party or better yet add new like-minded players to their friendslist or favorites. Then, as a party or group of friends, they can create advanced private lobbies. And finally, from these advanced private lobbies we will find new hopper variants to introduce.
Between our ability to collect usage data, tweak server parameters and add new hoppers; we have an incredibly powerful toolset to continually and rapidly iterate the Forza Motorsport 3 multiplayer experience. Over the coming weeks it will evolve to better serve the needs of our entire community based on how you play. In the coming months, as the number of people in the larger community continues to grow in both size and diversity, so will the number and diversity of the hoppers.
Official Turn 10 Time Trial Competition: Starts Now!
By: Landin Williams
Time to switch gears and get some competition brewing on our Time Trial leaderboards. We’re getting things started this week with our first official Time Trial Challenge, and lots of in-game prizes are up for grabs. Want to get in on the action? Here’s the deal. Load up the Sedona Raceway Time Trial event in Forza Motorsport 3 and set your best lap time before 12:00PM PST next Friday November 13th in the Mines Nissan GT-R 34. A selection of the fastest racers along with random selections from the entire leaderboard will be rewarded with in-game prizes such as Unicorn cars and/or Credits!
What: Official Turn 10 Time Trial Challenge
When: Now until Friday November 13th at 12:00PM PST
Where: Time Trials in Forza Motorsport 3.
How: Navigate to the “Leaderboards” menu and scroll down to “Time Trial”. Scroll down to “Sedona Raceway” and select “Press A to Start Race” at the top of the leaderboard. Set your best possible lap time!
Available Prizes:
• Subaru Impreza S204 Unicorn Gift Car
• Sedona Raceway Themed Mines R34 Gift Car
• In-Game Credits
Prize Structure:
Note: Results taken as of 12:00PM PST on November 13th
Top 10: Subaru Impreza S204 Unicorn Car, Sedona Mines R34 and 500,000 credits.
Top 50: Sedona Mines R34 and 200,000 Credits
Random 50: A random selection of 50 players from position 50 to 500 will receive the Sedona Mines R34.
Turn 10 Bonus: Both Landin and I will be setting our best laps on this leaderboard. If you happen to place next to either of our gamertags (“chespace T10” and “TurnTenStudios”) you’ll get yourself a Subaru Impreza S204 Unicorn car!
Now get out there and submit your best lap times!
Image by Apex Omega -Visit this players My Forza page for more.
Forzamotorsport.net Community Update - 11.6.09
We’re bringing it back to the old school with our first community update since the launch of Forza Motorsport 3! For the uninitiated, these updates are designed to highlight some of the coolest happenings in the community, from the latest User Generated Content (UGC) to user run events, contests and tournaments. Over the weeks we will be bringing you more community oriented content found right here on Forzamotorsport.net, so get involved and find out how you can get the most out of you Forza 3 experience!
Zune, Pre-Order and VIP Cars Gifted - Some of you have already noticed messages popping up in the bottom right corner of the screen alerting you that a new gift was received. I can confirm that by the end of the night all cars will have been gifted. This includes the three Pre-Order blog cars, the first batch of VIP cars, and the Zune HD Audi Touring Car. Check your message center and receive your gift! If you're having problems shoot us an e-mail at forzafb@microsoft.com and we'll do our best to get things sorted out.
Submit your tunes for 'Turn 10 Picks' on Forza 3's Storefront - Got a fast tune that needs publicity? Submit your best tunes to the Turn 10 Picks thread in the Tuning Marketplace and your tuning file could be featured on Turn 10's storefront! With the help of resident Hotlapper Christian "Voodoo Uomo" we'll be pushing your tunes to the limit while selecting the best for the "Turn 10 Picks" page on the storefront. Submit your tunes here to be considered!
Visit Turn 10's Youtube Page for the latest in Community Videos - We've been lurking around the forums looking for the best user generated videos to add to the Official Turn 10 Youtube page. Post your videos in the "Multimedia Marketplace" on the forums and your video could be added as a Turn 10 favorite! We've already added a handful of cool videos, so make sure to check them out here!
Livery Contest - Replica and Race Cars - The race/replica community is at it again with another livery contest courtesy of community memeber "Jizzy Shizno". With some in-game credits on the line (extra donations from Turn 10!) there's enough motivation to submit your best design. Head on over to the official contest thread here to participate!
Community Collaboration - Fantasy Livery - Here's a community initiative that caught our eye. Community member "Mimic920" and friends have put together a contest/event to help populate the storefront with awesome layer groups. So far there are already some amazing layer groups being created and shared on the storefront, so even if your no Picaso in the livery editor you can still grab the layer groups and arrange them on your car. Check out the official thread here for details! Livery Editor Tips and Tricks - Looking to improve your skills with Forza 3's livery editor? Check out this thread for tips and tricks on using shapes to create images. Also make sure to check out this thread for a few video tutorials courtesy of Ayo Jube!
Rule of Thirds - Forza 3 Photomode Tips: Like taking pictures in FM3? Click here for tips and tricks!
That's all for this week. Enjoy the weekend and we'll see you on the track!
Published Friday, November 06, 2009 5:03 PM by BLKJ SIDEFX Filed under: Community, News, Forza Motorsport 3
is it me or does any noe find the r2 class cars abit of a handful round kaido? the mclaren and the konsiggggggg is ok but the aston is a fooking nightmare
As for the R2 class I've been loving the R35 so grippy and easy to drive, that said I was loving wrestling the tail happy Koenisegggegggaasseeggaaaaa about last night.
Sad I know :clown:
Still getting to grips with the game at the moment, but a true GT convert at the moment!
Thanks to Nick for the logo
Nice quote lol.
Yeah wasn't very much I thought?
Nice quote lol.
Yeah wasn't very much I thought?