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Forza Horizon

  275 Trophy
It was, I started it again the other day.

Forza is technically brilliant, but for the occasional pick up and play gamer like myself it just isn't fun, if anything it's frustrating. PGR (especially 4) was just a really fun game, you could pick it up play a few races, and it was just a really fun game to play.

That's what's missing in gaming these days imo, fun pick up and play games that don't require masses of time invested or for you to be awesome at it to get along, just good fun games.

Did nobody here enjoy Rockstar's Midnight Club: LA? To me, this fullfilled a lot of what you posted above, and it was and still is the slickest arcade racer I've ever played, because let's not kid ourselves, Forza 4 nor indeed Horizon are sims.
I had a bash at MCLA, the thing that lets these games down, as it did with that one was the physics. My favourite of the arcade racers physics wise was PGR, the others always felt either too light or simply odd/unreal/unbalanced. Despite being simplified PGR had a nice feel and weight to it IMO.
Yep. F4 may not be 100% sim but it's up there among console racing games. Infact it's better than any other physics/handling wise, GT5 included.

Nearly every other game is arcadey to some degree, particularly Need For Speed games. Kinda fun for a few minutes but I get bored of them. PGR is about the right balance if you want to please everyone. Forza is great for those of us who like a challenge, with no assists turned on.


ClioSport Club Member
Has it not been confirmed that the sim steering from Forza 4 is still being used? I'm sure one of those clips mentioned it.

If it is the same feel as Forza 4 then imo it should be one of the best free roam driving games out there.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I noticed it looked a bit funny too I very much doubt they will dumb it down though as there main aim seems to be Forza physics with free roam.
  Homo spec mazda
Theyre probably using standard steering with all aids on for the videos though, i Remember watching forza 4 videos before it came out thinking it seemed to be more arcadey.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I'm more worried about the choice of cars tbh. Can see it being supercars, some muscle, a few AWD jap monsters and not a great deal else.

In my head I want to be able to port over my garage from FM4, although that's never going to happen.
Could go one of two ways.

They get it spot on, the points system works and the physics feel right, the car choices are good and the game is interesting.

That or they make the next NFS.
  Clio 197
Kind of excited - they know what Forzas all about and what made it succesful, and they do mention the physics etc. all being the same, so I'm hopeful! I've always thought open-world racing games were quite cool and made a nice change from the monotony of a lot of circuit racers, it was just annoying that they were too arcadey and just didn't feel like you were driving an actual car on the open road, which detracted.

That car list looks pretty standard, then they throw in a 5 Turbo!? Ha, awesome. Hopefully the final list will have a good mix of cars.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Kind of excited - they know what Forzas all about and what made it succesful, and they do mention the physics etc. all being the same, so I'm hopeful! I've always thought open-world racing games were quite cool and made a nice change from the monotony of a lot of circuit racers, it was just annoying that they were too arcadey and just didn't feel like you were driving an actual car on the open road, which detracted.

That car list looks pretty standard, then they throw in a 5 Turbo!? Ha, awesome. Hopefully the final list will have a good mix of cars.

The RWD one that's been in the last 3 games, it's not off course, it'll be in the game.


ClioSport Club Member
I don't think they need to make another Forza well not until the next gen of consoles is out anyway.

All they need to do is ramp up the quality of car packs and start adding more tracks to the game. I cant wait for horizon tbh I'm keeping my hopes very high for now.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
i like the voiced controlled satnav idea :)

will get this tbh, if its anything better than TDU2/3 ( latest one ) then it will be epic. TDU is almost the same but i hated the phisics and engine noises that came with it :rolleyes:
This isn't stopping development of F5, I doubt it's even delaying it at all given that a completely different studio are doing the work.

I hope so, i'm still happy with F4 if i'm honest. I suppose this will be a fresh sub genre for the developers.
  AG 200 cup
Had a quick play on this at le mans and it plays better then it looks on the video a couple of pages back with all aids off and clutch on graphically it's about the same of forza 4. Can't wait for the release now.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I'm not going to pre-order just yet.

Love the part in that first clip where the Evo is chasing the Quattro cant wait to do some mixed terrain driving.
