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Forza Motorsport 8


ClioSport Club Member
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ClioSport Club Member
I'd agree, yeah - they'd have mentioned a 2020 release if it was scheduled for one. Kinda disappointed with the trailer since it showed very little but at least that's consistent with where they're up to with it.


ClioSport Club Member
Well actually looking like a potential 2022 release on this. They're basically building it from scratch. All games released in the first year of Xbox series X release are going to be playable on the One and this won't be included in that so it looks like we're in for a long wait.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
Looks very good. Lets hope the physics match the visuals. Also, hopefully its the first FM to have decent force feedback.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
Getting my sim rig set back up this weekend so very much looking forward to this. My money is on a November release.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Don't think I'd touch another FM game after the deprecation of the official licences seen in FM7.

If you bought the all-singing version from Day 1 - you were fine. Buy the standard game and then left the DLC purchase until post September 2021? You can no longer acquire the cars.

I get the legality of manufacturer licences, but I don't think I've ever heard of a game deprecating content by date X before now.

Makes me very wary going forward as there would be no way I'd pump £90 (or whatever it costs), for an Ultimate Edition of a game from Day 1 - just for fear of losing out in the future.
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ClioSport Club Member
Don't think I'd touch another FM game after the deprecation of the official licences seen in FM7.

If you bought the all-singing version from Day 1 - you were fine. Buy the standard game and then left the DLC purchase until post September 2021? You can no longer acquire the cars.

I get the legality of manufacturer licences, but I don't think I've ever heard of a game deprecating content by date X before now.

Makes me very wary going forward as there would be no way I'd pump £90 (or whatever it costs), for an Ultimate Edition of a game from Day 1 - just for fear of losing out in the future.

The game had been out for 4 years at that point though plenty of time to have everything. Seems a strange thing to stop you getting the game imo and it'll likely be free on game pass for standard edition anyway. Obviously each to their own I guess but isn't it like that for a bunch of games?

If you'd dumped £90 at launch what would you lose out on anyway? You'll still own all that content you'd purchased.


ClioSport Club Member
Don't think I'd touch another FM game after the deprecation of the official licences seen in FM7.

If you bought the all-singing version from Day 1 - you were fine. Buy the standard game and then left the DLC purchase until post September 2021? You can no longer acquire the cars.

I get the legality of manufacturer licences, but I don't think I've ever heard of a game deprecating content by date X before now.

Makes me very wary going forward as there would be no way I'd pump £90 (or whatever it costs), for an Ultimate Edition of a game from Day 1 - just for fear of losing out in the future.
Destiny 2 has vast swathes of content locked away that will never come back

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
The game had been out for 4 years at that point though plenty of time to have everything. Seems a strange thing to stop you getting the game imo and it'll likely be free on game pass for standard edition anyway. Obviously each to their own I guess but isn't it like that for a bunch of games?

If you'd dumped £90 at launch what would you lose out on anyway? You'll still own all that content you'd purchased.
Not really.

I bought the standard edition of FM7 a while after it had been released and within it, I noticed that there were several car packs being given away for free. It was only when I Googled the error from the Microsoft portal coming up during activating these packs, that the issue became apparent.

My case in point that if I bought four-year-old DiRT Rally 2.0 tomorrow and liked it, I should then have the option to buy any additional DLC that takes my fancy. Like so....


Now imagine some arbitrary date, say the 1st Feb suddenly sees all of the above content now removed due to licence limitations? Is that exactly fair because I didn't jump in and buy all of the above on the 31st January?

It seems more strange to me that any manufacturer interested in a presence with a gaming title, would likely demand removal from a four-year-old game in the first place? Whomever orchestrated the legal obligations on behalf of Turn 10 for FM7, really didn't do a good job.


ClioSport Club Member
Fair enough still seems a bit odd to worry about it if you plan on buying everything as it comes out though like most people would. Just the nature of licencing I guess. Certainly won't let it stop me playing the game and just like in FM7 I'll still be able to use everything I bought because I don't tend to wait 4 years to play a game. And let's not forget too that FM was on a 2 year cycle until now so we should be on what? FM10 by now. It's not often people go back and purchase old games when there's new versions already out. If you buy it at the time it comes out or even within a few years before licencing expires there's nothing to lose out on so I'm baffled why it'd bother someone that much.


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
Looks good and already available to pre-download on Gamepass for launch day, not that there's much point as it will still need a massive update.


ClioSport Club Member
Some information about career mode came out today. Looks interesting having to level the cars before upgrades etc could be a bit of a grind but I think it looks okay. I'm more excited to see about the rivals and MP mode. On FM7 I'd regularly lap the same track for multiple hours just trying to knock a tenth off.



ClioSport Club Member
Bit of gameplay, the cars are not quite as good looking as GT7 imo but the track details look good.

Yeah gutted they're not adding the Nurburgring until next year though but it sounds like once it's in it's going to be a lot more accurate.


ClioSport Club Member
Getting close to the release for this now. Currently torn over getting the free version on game pass or paying for premium and being able to play from the 5th instead of the 10th.

This guys video really gave a good breakdown of the game so far. It's all time stamped so I skipped to the parts I actually care about the most.



ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Looking forward to it on PC having not played a Forza motorsport game before pre-loaded and ready and ready to go (on the 10th!).


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I've been playing it the last few days and it's pretty decent. Not massively different feeling when you consider it took 6 years and they've been blabbing about how it's 'built from the ground up' but I've had a good time on it so far. Not really touched MP yet mind.


ClioSport Club Member
What's it like compared to 7?

Honestly it feels very similar. Physics feel a bit more weighted perhaps.. I've never minded the FM physics though so no complaints there. The car progression is the biggest downside I get they want you to 'bond' with the car more which is fine but it takes about 2 hours to max level. Money almost seems kind of pointless too as I've already got about 2 million and the most expensive car to buy is like 500k.

That said it's free on gamepass or £26 if you want premium edition and early access so far I'm pretty happy and I'll probably be playing it quite a bit over the next few months.

MP seems quite different with qualifying etc a bit more like GT I guess but I'm yet to really try that. I think it's a nice change though as class based hoppers just get a bit boring with most people just using the same car over and over.


ClioSport Club Member
The £26 for premium deal isn't too bad imo, I would have gone for that but I'm out all weekend so not much point. Probably still worth it for the packs you get though.


ClioSport Club Member
Put a few hours in today and really enjoying it so far.

The physics are just a tad more arcade than GT7 which makes it a way better game for a casual gamer like myself, especially when combined with the xbox pad which is way more ergonomic than the PS.

The AI is a bit off, like Super GT mentioned, the pack is just crazy at the start but once they are on their own they race nicely. One thing I've noticed is the AI seem to start on warm tyres as they have so much grip through the first few corners and then I catch up.

I really like the upgrades through the tour, and the simplicity of adjusting fuel/tyres to really bring them into the game, I know this was possible in other games but being so central is a nice touch.

Not tried online yet, maybe at the weekend.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
I'm downloading it now, though it is going very slow. I've researched some settings to use on my wheel and pedals so hopefully its good. I've read as many bad reviews of people using wheels and pedals as I have good.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Downloading now.

Need to get some online lobbies up like the good old days on FM3 @Adamm.


ClioSport Club Member
I've still barely touched multiplayer just done 1 race of the first series. Got punted into last on first corner of course but had a fun race chasing the pack and ended up 2nd with fastest lap.

I've mostly been doing the career and rivals plus building and tuning cars can be surprisingly time consuming. Been having a blast though if there's 1 thing I wish they would change outside of career is car progression is a bit of a pain taking 2 or so hours to fully level a car up.

Downloading now.

Need to get some online lobbies up like the good old days on FM3 @Adamm.

100% we definitely need to get some CS races going. I remember the FM3/4 sessions we used to do and the regular restarts 😂

If anyone on Xbox wants to add me my gamertag is Arizer even if it's just for some rivals competition 😅


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I've still barely touched multiplayer just done 1 race of the first series. Got punted into last on first corner of course but had a fun race chasing the pack and ended up 2nd with fastest lap.

I've mostly been doing the career and rivals plus building and tuning cars can be surprisingly time consuming. Been having a blast though if there's 1 thing I wish they would change outside of career is car progression is a bit of a pain taking 2 or so hours to fully level a car up.

100% we definitely need to get some CS races going. I remember the FM3/4 sessions we used to do and the regular restarts 😂

If anyone on Xbox wants to add me my gamertag is Arizer even if it's just for some rivals competition 😅

I remember FM4 coming out and the start of sim steering. Multiple @Christopher rage quits, either by getting ‘simmed’ or due to being punted off by @AK 😂

MX5 championship too, good times.


ClioSport Club Member
I've still barely touched multiplayer just done 1 race of the first series. Got punted into last on first corner of course but had a fun race chasing the pack and ended up 2nd with fastest lap.

I've mostly been doing the career and rivals plus building and tuning cars can be surprisingly time consuming. Been having a blast though if there's 1 thing I wish they would change outside of career is car progression is a bit of a pain taking 2 or so hours to fully level a car up.

100% we definitely need to get some CS races going. I remember the FM3/4 sessions we used to do and the regular restarts 😂

If anyone on Xbox wants to add me my gamertag is Arizer even if it's just for some rivals competition 😅
Just added you, mine is Jenic if anyone wants to add :)


ClioSport Club Member
I remember FM4 coming out and the start of sim steering. Multiple @Christopher rage quits, either by getting ‘simmed’ or due to being punted off by @AK 😂

MX5 championship too, good times.

Haha yep I have just got back to sim steering after playing FM7 on normal. Definitely more punishing but also more rewarding FM4 was so bloody good too I still remember even just hammering the demo on bernese alps being excited and that game really delivered.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I remember FM4 coming out and the start of sim steering. Multiple @Christopher rage quits, either by getting ‘simmed’ or due to being punted off by @AK 😂

MX5 championship too, good times.
I remember playing the Topher ones. I was terrible!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Looking forward to it on PC having not played a Forza motorsport game before pre-loaded and ready and ready to go (on the 10th!).
Going off some of the recent Steam reviews, it's mixed results at best. Poor optimisation appears to be the biggest culprit.

I've never understood where the XBox console is really just a custom, focused PC with games written for it on the PC. Only for so many PC ports of these said games to end up, running like a dog?

Don't forget to buy the Car Pass early doors too - or else Turn 10 could 'forget' to maintain the manufacturer licences and you'll be without option of buying them later. Woefully piss poor when seemingly basic racing games on mobiles can perpetually have every car manufacturer under the sun represented in their games.

That said, I'd probably still buy it in a sale come late 2024/2025.... :p
