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freeplay on 172 clutch

hey all

recently it feels as if my clutch bite point is capturing all the way at the top of the travel. i get no freeplay at all, put the clutch in 1 cm and its already partially disengaged. anyone else had this problem? the dealer says that clio sports are made with a high take up (which is true), but surely it is abnormal for it to be this high...

any comments? recommendations?

thanks heaps
  Mk2 172

I have a similar problem. I have to remind myself to move my foot onto the footrest on the left. My old 1.4rt had about an inch of play, and I used to lazily rest my foot on the pedal. Do this on my 172 and I get clutch slip.

I am surprised it is not a fly-by-wire clutch (like the accellerator is). My dads Vauxhall agila has one.
