a pbv is more than a normal reg, as it has a non linear output curve controlled by manifold vacuum, the normal reg is far more linear, this is to avoid overfueling at lower revs / load.
as for measuring flow rate, Nick is spot on.. I have done this many times using a calibrated jar, however, As Ben says, what is the point ??.. with my turbo conversion, fine, I already know the injectors cannot flow the required amount for 300 + bhp, so no contest.. add another bank..
Unless you go to tbs, I am confident that the existing setup will offer all you need. Dont forget most mods add little of anything (normal IK, Exhaust etc etc)
Playing with the cold start injector is brutally primitive and a non starter really.
re the mixture meter.. forget it for full load or WOT.. it will not work effectively. The normal lambda is out of range at the mixture settings required at WOT. You could always buy a modifyed lambda that is centered on 13:1, but I wouldnt bother.. a 5000 quid analyser at the RR is your best bet..