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Google makes a big step with android.

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  Revels Mum & Sister
Some good stuff in there and ignoring all the awesome stuff. Seems to be a lot of streamlining going on, which is probably pretty tough considering the amount of platforms on Android.

Apple is no doubt awesome but I am a big fan of Android!!
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ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Some good stuff in there and ignoring all the awesome stuff. Seems to be a lot of streamlining going on, which is probably pretty tough considering the amount of platforms on Android.

Apple is no doubt awesome but I am a big fan of Android!!

They needed to do something, its got out of control.
I want to know that if i buy a device i can use it properly for at least the length of my contract, without having to muck about with rooting/jailbreaking/hacking.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
But that's not a way to sell phones. if you want to go mass market, you need to make sure your product will last. WITHOUT pissing about.
  Revels Mum & Sister
Fully with you mate! However to be fair Android is already pretty much mass market. Look at the amount of activations per day!

They seem to be doing that though with the API's and the 18 month updates (hardware dependant)

Will be interesting to see what Apple have in the pipeline though.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Excellent news! Does android home use a zwave interface like the iPhone does for dianemo and MK astral products?
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  Mito Sportiva 135
Quite interesting....from what I take out of it basically Android will be a cloud type of thing in the future, whereby you can control your life through various apps which integrate all technologies in your home?


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
No, its proprietary for some reason.

Well yes its the same with the I phone, it can only give a zwave product information not actually control zwave products. Zwave seem very protective of their code.
  Bus w**ker
Would it be rude to ask what they have developed to save reading the whole article? :)

No, because I can't be arsed to read through five pages of single line comments from some nerd with a s**t camera either. So, new mind blowing Google things...GO!
Online storage for your music.
Film rentals.
Something that controls your house lights/fridge/smoothie maker
New OS called ice creams
  Bus w**ker
Five pages condensed to four lines, awesome thanks.

So out of all that the only thing that sounds mildly interesting is the OS name. The house control thing isn't really new...I'm sure there's an app for that.

That said though I still love Google, I couldn't get through the day without using at least one of their many products.
Anyone who serial thinks Apple will be 'out OS'd' is clearly bonkers. Steve will invest trillions to make sure they stay ahead of the game, and that's not even talking about the design and quality of their hardware.

That said, Google competition is a good thing.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Indeed, i couldnt give a s**t as long as i get to maintain my superior attitude over everyone else because i have many many apple products.
  Skoda Fabia vRS
how long do you think it will be before Google is ahead of Apple, just like both of them pwn Nokia now, i think they are close already tbh
  Listerine & Poledo
But that's not a way to sell phones. if you want to go mass market, you need to make sure your product will last. WITHOUT pissing about.


Phones become "out of date" within 6 months of hitting the market, that's the way they like it.

That way, desperate tech-heads need to get their wallet out more often.

No point in making a phone that lasts forever, when will the networks get to con you into a new 4-year contract at £50 a week?
  Bus w**ker
So much of the technology they are refering to has been done before. IMO Google are using their brand name to push technology that isn't as innovative as they have the publc believe. Just look at the ANdroid interface, complete Apple rip off.

The software can figure out who is speaking and focus on that person." "When I start talking, it will zoom in on my face... and when I start talking, it zooms in on my face." Really wild -- the video focus is triggered by the sound. Not seamless, but impressive.
Thats nothing new.. Polycom have devices that do this...

Advanced technology automatically changes the camera view so that the active speaker can always be identified, allowing participants to easily track the flow of conversation

..and the home thing has been done by Microsoft for years.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Phones become "out of date" within 6 months of hitting the market, that's the way they like it.

That way, desperate tech-heads need to get their wallet out more often.

No point in making a phone that lasts forever, when will the networks get to con you into a new 4-year contract at £50 a week?

Let's hope you never run a phone company. Fact is dumb phones are dead. So non techies are buying smart phones. These people want stability, reliability and value. Apple lead the way on all fronts. (based on the fact you'd currently need to buy 3 android phones over 18 months to get the level of support apple gives Their latest released handset from launch.)

You are spot on with the tech heads but the money from them is a tiny fraction of what's out there.
  Mk3 clio 1.5
apple have f*cked it haha. you know what i think google are gonna do next. sky and virgin are the past. broadband, home phone and tv are gonna be next i bet ya.
  Mk3 clio 1.5
are you refering to me or the previous guy?

if me, I ment that google will start doing home services next e.g broadband, home phone, tv etc.
and sky and virgin will be in the past, ans they wont be able to keep up.

thought it was pritty plain english to me
So Google, who are an American company, are going to come to England and sell satellite dishes to compete with Sky?

It was awful English and if I'm honest, it still is.
are you refering to me or the previous guy?

if me, I ment that google will start doing home services next e.g broadband, home phone, tv etc.
and sky and virgin will be in the past, ans they wont be able to keep up.

thought it was pritty plain english to me
You don't work in the IT sector do you?
  Mito Sportiva 135
I am pretty confident Google have no such plans...unless you know something the rest of the World doesn't?
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