I really like it, not sure what everyone else is on about. (clearly blind)
As I want you to get the strips on asap the measurement are;
38mm wide (both sides)
and a gap of 50mm
You would need around 7m just to be on the safe side.
Hope this helps and can't wait to see it finished.
Also I would recommend not doing the sides in green but do the biggest monster logo possible on the rear quarter (overlapping the window)
you seem to be the most obvious troll iv ever seen pfft obvious troll is obvious
What a fascinating thread.
because i dont have that sort of money im afraid, i bought this as a standard clio extreme, as a student holding 2 part time jobs there is no chance of getting the gordini sadly and i have grown to love this car and make it my own personalised motor
thanks soooo much manmeans alot that someone appreciates my work to day and future work... il upload pics of each stage as it goes along
and i was debating between the monster claw logo or the clio badge in green down the quarter
Dub | 2121 up, 451 downhttp://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dub#http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dub# |
1. Abbreviaton for the letter W 2. Twenty dollars 3. Twenty dollars worth of anything, especially narcotics 4. Twenty-inch rims 5. The art of making a remix, especially a reggae song, in which the lyrics are all or partially removed and the focus is placed on the drum track and the bass 6. Generally incorrectly used as a name for any remix to any song |
please get 16'' super t's. they look best on clios... 15''s are too small in supert (IMO) and 17''s in any wheel. on a mk2 clio are laughable
I remember when I thought bigger wherls were better.![]()
I remember when I thought bigger wherls were better. Probably a decade ago now.![]()
So save the cash you're going to spend on conversions etc, then after a period of time sell this car and buy an actual Clio 1*2? You can save cash, it doesn't have to be spent there and then.
I'm a student holding a part time job, and have a 182. I'm confused about how you can't afford a Sport model, students are loaded. FACT, don't live the stereotype
It's like converting a PS1 into a PS3, completely pointless. Fair play for doing your own thing regardless of criticism, but although your car will be unique the concept behind it is rather stale.
no problem buddy
Would have to be this for me![]()
Lol this thread is pure gold!
Or green...
nice to see you find it funny :/
i only asked for advice on the stripes and it took over 100 replys of people saying my car looks s**t for one guy to like it and stand up guy (tyler) to say you know what i like that here are the dimensions...
Excellent were on the same wave length.
Green looks s**te in the photoshop, wheels are good, mirror covers and badges are good the rest is cack. And before you start saying its individual I've done the mad colour scheme, I had orange wheels and wing mirrors, but what you want is too much. The best looking cars are always subtly done, not the crap you see with monster stickers everywhere!
Any more pics of her?
I always found the steering quite responsive on the Clio. Firm rack on her?
Why don't you stop spending money on mods, fill her up, take her down a country lane and open her up. Seriously more fun than wasting money on mods.
im a student with 2 part time jobs, i get the lowest loan thanks to a discrepancy with student finance, no grant and i have had to pay for rent and bills aswell as food shopping... the rent takes nearly all of my loan and means i have to live off what i earn, my jobs need me to have business insurance which added another 1200+ to my insurance yearly and i had no help from my parents at any point along the way.. my jobs only allow me to work on the weekend and cost me money to travel to (which i dont get back) and i then get minimum rate an hour to cover all this as well as wear and tear on the car.
whats hard to understand that? not all students get the full loan amount or have input from their parents and neither do all students get their first car bought for them.
Just to let you know, this is my 3rd car, which I bought myself, I don't receive any form of student loan or grant to cover the cost of accommodation, food and tuition fees. I work part time during term time, and around 80 hours per week during holiday periods, before I went to uni i saved almost every penny I could get my hands on. and yes parents did buy my first car it was a K reg nissan micra which cost £400. I'm also funding the rebuild of my TVR Tamora, have a look in the project threads. I'm know i'm sounding like a knob, but just because your young doesn't mean you should have no money, work hard during off time, save and you can get what you want.
2 years strong mate and living together
I really like it, not sure what everyone else is on about. (clearly blind)
As I want you to get the strips on asap the measurement are;
38mm wide (both sides)
and a gap of 50mm
You would need around 7m just to be on the safe side.
Hope this helps and can't wait to see it finished.
Also I would recommend not doing the sides in green but do the biggest monster logo possible on the rear quarter (overlapping the window)
Does your garage have a Scary Door?