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Grand Theft Auto V

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Sounds like the remaining 500mb left on my hard drive won't be enough :(
Sounding awesome.

Not keen on this the idea of this though..
Characters will work together during missions, and you can switch between characters mid-mission to fulfill different roles. For example, during a chase sequence you can pilot the getaway helicopter as Trevor, snipe pursuing pilots as Franklin, or fire an assault rifle as Michael.
...but that's probably because there's been nothing like that in a GTA game before.

I remember reading a preview of IV before it came out, and people were bleating on about how preview audiences were gobsmacked by how characters did simple things like walk upstairs. That sold it to me then. I'm waiting for something similar this time..
  Petrol Blue 182.
Side-missions similar to Taxi, Ambulance, and Vigilante will return, but “probably not identical” to those from previous games.

Missed these in IV. Used to love being a Taxi driver in III

I also spot a Train!
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF




  Never above 25mpg
Wish tbey'd waited for the next console. I despised playing 4 with the slow frame rate and crap physics


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy

7 hours 10 minutes to go.
LOVE bank robbery style stuff. I thought one of the side missions in San Andreas where you robbed a Casino was fun - had to have everything planned out before hand; pinching a uniform, pinching the blueprints for the building etc it was awesome!
Swapping characters sounds very interesting too. Glad they've not just played it safe and gone for the same old rags to riches thing again.
Can't wait!


North East
ClioSport Area Rep
I'm happy the side missions are coming back!

Flying round in a fire engine putting fires out was epic.
