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Grooved discs! which way round

  Clio 172 cup

Ok this is a question that many people probably wander to them selves, but which way round do they go???

Ok let me explain!!!!

Suppose your changing the front disc on the drivers side of the car, you put your new grooved disc on and stand back to look at it!!!

Now!! does the groove(s) at the top of the disc slope forward(like a forward slash) or do they slope backwards???

I have noticed on touring cars that they slope backwards but i have heard from many people and seen on other cars that they slope forwards

Me is confused!! :confused:

everyone who has grooved or combi discs , which way round are yours??


Ha ha, good point as ill be putting mine on sometime this week. Allthough i think that mine have a sticker on saying left etc

I thought they were supposed to be that as the wheel/disk rotated forward, the groove went past the pad from inside to outside of the disk (slope backwards?) But I have seen them both ways too... :confused: you havea left and a right disc?

if not, it wont matter as the groove will go a diff way on each side.

on the last set of uprated disks i had they were labelled which side they went on. I have a new set in my garage waiting to go on, ill have a look see if they are labelled
  Clio 172 cup

Yes the Discs are left and right, All grooved discs are arnt they? I have Pagid 16 groove for the back and combi discs for the front,

is the right hand side the drivers side, because depending on which way you look at the car, it could be either

so what is the correct way for these to be put on?

I have seen many different cars with them on different ways round


  Audi TT Stronic

Quote: Originally posted by Chris_H on 12 May 2003

back slash. Allows quicker gas and thus heat escape. Also ensures manky wheels.
This is the way I thought all grooved disks were supposted to go on ..
  BMW 320d Sport

Mine are on backslash - in other words as the wheels rotates the groove scrapes the pad from the inside to the outside. It chucks brake dust everywhere but at least you know its clearing them out. Surely having them forward slash wouldnt work as well?
  Clio 172 cup

This is interesting stuff

Nick, how many grooves are in yours?

Both sets of discs i have bought this week have instuctions with them to be fitted forward slash ways.

Not really sure what to do now as Im very confused as to which is the right way

I thought ALL disc were supossed to be fitted "backslash". do the disc not have a direction of rotation arrow stamped on them?
