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ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
i cant get past beginners either, i'll have another go later on. i might start and spend cash on doing the rest of the beginners series. that nurberg is quit hard no where near gold manged silver and bronze on the first 2 in the old car
  1.6 Ford Focus
i cant get past beginners either, i'll have another go later on. i might start and spend cash on doing the rest of the beginners series. that nurberg is quit hard no where near gold manged silver and bronze on the first 2 in the old car

I quite enjoyed the nurburgring AMG event, the beginners was quite easy.

I got silver on most of the stages and then bronze on the full track race.


I quite enjoyed the nurburgring AMG event, the beginners was quite easy.

I got silver on most of the stages and then bronze on the full track race.

Best thing I've done in the game so far. You could really get the old Merc to flow nicely.

I've had no trouble getting gold on anything yet. The crappy campers took me 4 or 5 attempts once I'd realised how hard you could rub and where you could stray a little wide.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Best thing I've done in the game so far. You could really get the old Merc to flow nicely.

I've had no trouble getting gold on anything yet. The crappy campers took me 4 or 5 attempts once I'd realised how hard you could rub and where you could stray a little wide.

On the licences i'm having major issues getting golds! I've only got one!


On the licences i'm having major issues getting golds! I've only got one!

In the license tests the one which took me the most attempts was the BMW 1 series on the Scumacher S at the Nurburgring. I was .005 off Gold for a good 10 attempts, so I stopped being smooth and threw it in hard. That worked perfectly.

I'm guessing it's easier on a wheel, especially the braking test ones, as buttons are far harder to modulate lock-ups.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
In the license tests the one which took me the most attempts was the BMW 1 series on the Scumacher S at the Nurburgring. I was .005 off Gold for a good 10 attempts, so I stopped being smooth and threw it in hard. That worked perfectly.

I'm guessing it's easier on a wheel, especially the braking test ones, as buttons are far harder to modulate lock-ups.

It's not all bad on the pad. In GT5 you can use the two analogue sticks to control the handling (left analogue stick) and the acceleration/breaking (right analogue stick). A lot more adjustability than using the buttons.

You're forgetting two things..

1) Lee is a major game geek

2) He's just spent the last year?+ working on the handling on a racing game. Lol.

I remember now lol. Suddenly I don't feel that much of a n00b.

Whats this playstation eye thing people are talking about? What does this allow you to do?:


Anyone any experience of this wheel with gt5? Or this wheel in general?

Yup, I've used one in the office. It's pretty much the same as the one myself and Brown Bear have, only it's been updated with a few extra buttons for the PS3. The original one came out for the PS2. The pedals don't look great, but they work fine. The wheel itself is really nice, and the force feedback is great.
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ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Yup, I've used one in the office. It's pretty much the same as the one myself and Brown Bear have, only it's been updated with a few extra buttons for the PS3. The original one came out for the PS2. The pedals don't look great, but they work fine. The wheel itself is really nice, and the force feedback is great.
Are the thumb buttons on the wheel analogue? Be useful for photo mode.


ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
Well I haven't moved away from the Ps3 for more than half an hour since midnight on Tuesday I don't think apart from sleeping! I am hooked. Started off with ek9 and got the race package for it, then turbo'd so its 800ish kgs - 318 bhp.... Only if I could afford that in real life. up lv 19 now but need a break :(

Is anyone else using the logitech g25? I am loving mine but wish they had built in the use of the clutch pedal :(
  Clio 1.2 16v
online is ok when you get used to it, you cannot invite friends but they can join your lobby through the community part of GT mode, a little icon comes up that you click to join


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Best thing I've done in the game so far. You could really get the old Merc to flow nicely.

I've had no trouble getting gold on anything yet. The crappy campers took me 4 or 5 attempts once I'd realised how hard you could rub and where you could stray a little wide.

The merc is superb, favourite car so far.
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Well I'm enjoying the game, but have only put a couple hours in so far.

I understand people's expectations and PD should have perfected a lot more than they did but at the end of the day it's a game. If you like it, great. If you don't, then you sell it and make a small loss. Regardless of them trying to pitch it as a "real driving simulator", they could never do that as the majority of people would prefer an arcade racer they can pick up as play as opposed to a proper sim.

They've got the balance quite nicely I think, but they have clearly run out of time or money on some aspects. I'll get over it once I've finished crying onto my controller.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Worth noting that if a car doesn't have a clutch and manual box in real life then that function will not work in the game.


Worth noting that if a car doesn't have a clutch and manual box in real life then that function will not work in the game.

I've just tried this with the TVR Tamora, which I love.

With the G25 you can always use the clutch, and always use the shifter should you chose to. If you use the shifter you can over ride it with the padels and vice versa. The clutch is a bit pointless though as you don't have to use it. In Forza not using the clutch results in a fluffed change and a nasty crunch. When i tried Forza 3 with a full clutch and gated shifter arrangement I was all over the place. For some reason it's not as easy as it is in real life.
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  C63 PP,R1,,Clubman
It just gets better,The photo mode is cool as fek could play with that for hours, just had an awesome drive in the M3 drifting out of every the corner :evil:
There is an iceberg 172 on my used lot at the moment. Hmmm

Edit: I purchased it and will be accepting offers in exchange for it :p
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