Ive been talking to one of the staff (mechanic) of one team of clio cup here in portugal, asking for what can i do to get a better response from my clio rs..
The answer was: cams, filter, chip... for 180-185hp (more 20hp..)
And he said the the car will never be the same.. but he reffered that all the stock clios mk1 or mk2 that hes dynoed never gave the 172hp anounced.. The worst Clio RS hes tested (stock) had 156hp.. and all the clios that have been tested by him have given arround 160-165..
I could doubt him, but hes won clio cup 3 times.. and has modifyed lots of clios RSs.. and is one of the best tuners here in portugal..
What do you think about this?? has anyone ever dynoed your Clio stock and post tuning??
Tell me about it..
Orlando Pereira