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Has my 182 reached the end of it's life?

  182 McSportius

My 182 has 124k on the clock now and a few weeks ago it had a couple of funny moments of going onto 3 cylinders and throwing CEL. Restarted it and it was ok. A week later it decided to do it and not stop doing it even after restart. Code reader suggests it is a misfire on cylinder 3 IIRC.

I've changed the coilpack and leads but it made no difference. I've now whacked some new sparkplugs in expecting it to be cured... Nope. I did think maybe fuel injectors next, but it smells of petrol so i'm not sure about that. If i take leads off the coilpack when it is running I note that when i take #3 off it makes no difference to the running, but when i take the others off it goes to stall. There is a spark coming out of the coilpack as i pull the lead off (it got me lol).

Is it time to put her in the bin?
  R5gtt, 182, volvo...
A few people I know have had injectors fail around those miles, replaced with another of similar age to fail again...

Pull the connector off each one and listen for a change in revs...
  Clio 2.0 16v 182
are the oil and coolant levels ok? Hate to say the "H" word, but if you catch it early enough you can stop further damage to the block.
  182 McSportius
Thanks.. I stuck some fuel cleaner in earlier and now it just back fires and the exhaust gets rediculously hot!!
I guess i'll be taking the damn top off the engine again lol.
It's only my daily driver but quite fond of her, don't want to spend much to keep her going but would be a bit of a shame if she dieded.
  R5gtt, 182, volvo...


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  182 McSportius
Bit of sunny weather, so i swapped that injector today. Fault still present :( Thought maybe it was another duff one (second hand) so i swapped 2 and 3 and it stayed on 3. To prove the point if you pull the injector lead off 2 it stalls, but does not if you pull it off 3.

Stuck a meter on the plug and it's around 1.2-1.3v, the same as the others.
