I like this girl.
Hi, I'm Jason, I enjoy long walks in the park and anal.
I'm quite lazy ... So walking from the car to the house is enough for me.
As for anal... I hear mace can help u on that one.
My lack of penis means I cant satisfy your needs
And as a woman.. I don't poo therefor have no anus
Do you burp and fart?
Lol grass and treeees..
It was actually in my work car park on my lunch break in the summertiiiime.
Lookin thru the site it appears alot of members have had zetec essesess at one time.
=] I do miss slut. She did me
Proud.. Shame she was too slow really.
Lol paint special!? I thoght it was a photo!!!!
And another pic for good measure