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Headlight correction.


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
Mrs clio dci has sufferd with the usual misting of the platic lense on the driver side, so it was time for correction as it was letting the car down.

1200 grit wet and dry all over, once i was happy that ive taken the nasty top layer off i pulled out the rotary along with some g3. After a couple of shot with g3 things were looking good. So onto the srp, again machined on a few times, then buffed all excess off with lambs wool buffing pad.

Mrs was very pleased, brownie points for me.

Also took her sunroof frame out today as it was leaking badly and had a real annoying creak whilst driving. Sealed the frame using MJ pro black, lethal stuff tbh. No more leaks and no more creaks.

heres the headlight at the start, f uked and horrible.



and after about 1 hours work and a good wash down i had this




ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Awesome. Its strange how one of my Cups have/had this problem, yet my sisters 182 does?


  A thirsty 172
I really need to do that to mine. The result looks awesome.
Where can I get 1,200 grit on a Sunday?


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
b&q may do it, not to sure. i got loads of differnt grades off ebay a while back for pennys
  Clio MK 4
wow awsome work. Really need to do mine but i'm worried i'll make it look worse using grit paper plus i dont have a machine polisher
  White ds3
will be doing this to my drivers 1 asap you recon menz 203s would do the job after wet sanding? think i saw another thread where somone used it?


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
first headlamp i did a while back i only used 1200 wet and dry then machined it over and over with ag srp, took a while but you can achieve the same results. menz should be fine pritch
  172 Flamer
What a difference! Done this on my MR2 and used this Maguires Plastix stuff, it really does make a great difference to the front end of the car. Day off tomorrow, will be getting this sorted along with other bits then.
