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HELP, clio sport 172

  clio sport 172
i joined this site to see if anyone can advise me on a problem, my clio is a 53 plate sport 172 2.0 16v,with 63k on clock. car has always ran perfect until recently, sometimes it plays up in the morning and the electronic light comes on dashboard,along with traction control light,service light and engine management light kicks in sometimes. when this happens my throttle is non exsitinct and revs are at 2000rpm once i turn it off and back on again it goes back to being a perfect car.this has only happened a few times. :S i am suspecting throttle body???? any one any ideas? thanks
  Seat Ibiza
Sounds like you need it to be plugged in to a CLIP.

That will give you the problem, rather than fitting un-needed parts.
  clio sport 172
thanks, i was thinking that, but i might take the throttle body off and give it a good clean first see if that clears the problem then i should know if its that or not. if that doesn,t work then its off to the garage for diagnostic.
