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Help leaky sunroof......

  Mondeo TDCI 130
Mk1 16V, sure the sunroof is leaking, its not the aerial, already sealed that!! has anybody taken one out? what kind of a job is it? there is water getting intothe sills aswell, will this be related?! i had to drill holes in it to get the water out of them!!! cheers god like people!!:cool:
  Monaco 172
i just replaced the seals of mine there as water was running in through just above the flip down sun visors. You gotta pull the headlining down which is just like a fibreglass sheet and unbolt about 13 10mm bolts then lift the frame off and take the old seal off and replace it, and i put black silicone into it as well just to make sure. so far so good and its stopped the rattling that it doens beforehand
  Monaco 172
mine was with pretty large double sided pads, but had to take sun visors and roof handles down which was a pain in the arse
