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HELP! Nasty blue plastic bits

  Clio 172
I have a Mk1 172 and it has blue plastic interior parts ie dash top, door speaker covers and handles, are there any other colours from other clios available that could be used to replace them - preferably black?

Also, the top module that shows radio station, time and temp seems to be a separate piece. Can this be removed totally, leaving me with a whole to cover in some way? It's now fairly obsolete with the new ICE in.

Time for you interior gurus to show your stuff. Thanks in advance.
  A well built VW
Mines is a dark grey colour with a hint of blue but lookS soo much better

Yes the radio/time/temp guage is seperate and can be remved easily once you tAKE THE TOP DASH OFF , iLL BUY IT OFF YOU IF YOU DO REMOVE IT AS MINE HAS GONE FUNNY
