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Help needed fast, will these fit my car?!?!

  Breaking A 172 Replica
Yes mate they will fit your car.

This is the set I was going to tell you about.

The only thing is they may look a bit weird as your dash is a lighter colour is it not?

But yes they will fit and the floor plans are the same on all Mk2s.

Good luck with the bidding!

  '98 Clio 2 1.2
Nah, my dash should go with them. What should i bid up to? I don't have a clue what's a good price! Hope that if i win i can fit them in my car to transport them home! I think ill be leaving all the rear of my car at home! No rear seats, shelf or audio! Should be a fun journey...

Must admit, i quite like the seats! They look subtley sporty...
  '98 Clio 2 1.2
Cheers Fellas. I have that sorta money, just. Insurance clears you out at 18 in the highest risk postcode. Urrgh. I'll stop before a rant starts about insurance...
  Breaking A 172 Replica
Yeah I would say no more than 200 if you are looking for a good deal. If you are desperate then I would say deffo no more than 250.00.

Jamie (combine04) had an expression with no sports seats like you have atm and he upgraded to these. He was very impressed with the difference.

I have them in my car atm and are suprisingly comfy. Not too hard to fit either but do be prepared to spend a while getting the rear ones out of yours as sometimes the bolts go rusty!

Good luck buddy, and save your bidding to the last minute ;)

  '98 Clio 2 1.2
Yeah, the rears have already been removed, that bolt was very rusty and slooooowly i got it out! Lol yeah, im a last second bidder anyways. Im the sorta person everyone dreads, when i want something i get it!


ClioSport Club Member
^^ i hate your kind :p

they are good seats, comfy and suportive, more than good enough for the cornering speeds of 1.2s!
