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Help PLEASE! Broken blower (valver)

  Alfa Romeo 156 Lusso
Hi all,

hope somebody can help me...
The heater blower has gone on my valver. It's still heating up OK, cos I can feel it, but there's no power from the blower itself.
Has anyone else had this problem and knows what to do to fix it please, getting desperate as it's b*stard cold at the moment!

I've checked the fuse by the way, that's intact.

cheers for any help
  2.0 175dci rs meggy
i expect the resistor connector has burnt out under the scuttle trim - which means new resistor connector and terminals!
  Alfa Romeo 156 Lusso

actually, I have no idea what that actually means! Is it expensive? DIY?
Hope it's not too bad - freezing my vitals off these frosty mornings!!!
Any advice on what to do if it is that would be much appreciated...

  1996 Valver
Resistor is easy to replace, Take off the wipers 13mm spanner then take off the plastic pannel T20 torx bits, The blower is in the middle, Think you need to take off the cover, this is one or two screws, The resistor is held on with two screws on the off side closest to the jack. Pull it out allong with the electrical plug and reverse the prosses. Easy.
Think i paid about £20-£30 last time (long time ago so may be out on the price)
