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Help re number plates

Need new number plate on front as some dozy eejit reversed their car and smashed my front number plate with their tow bar.

Looking on, however don't want to get new plates that will be illegal. Can anyone tell me if font 1 (on constructor) is legal?

Sorry for the noob question, but better to appear daft than have to pay out to replace plates again! (imo)
If you're interested and didn't know (and haven't already ordered), you could get a plate that's 101mm high.

Some info. in here -

It would look a bit better than a standard size as it wouldn't hang down so far over the lower grill and still be legal. You would just need to make sure that you asked them (in the special requirements box) to add all the legally required stuff along the bottom - their name, their postcode and FP BSAU145d.

............on the other hand, not everyone is as fussy as me and you'd be perfectly happy with a standard sized plate.

Either way, if you do order from Fancyplates don't forget to mention that you're a cliosport member for 10% off.

............and no, I don't work for them.
Thanks, yeah I had seen that thread and was about to order hence font question - thanks for reminding me about 10%off though!
