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Help, Virus i think.

To start with google doesn't work i type in whatever am searching then it re-directs me to find5results or traffic.updates or page not found crap. I have got Norton anti-virus, now my laptop when am on the internet say for example norton pops upsaying it has blocked a harmful thing from happing then a new webpage open saying unable to connect.

Any ideas or tips?
  Bus w**ker
I have got Norton anti-virus...

Any ideas or tips?
First thing. Uninstall Norton, it's w**k.

Grab a copy of Malwarebytes, CC Cleaner, and Avast (unless you want to pay for Anti Virus and in that case Bitdefender is a good shout). Install that lot, update them all to the latest version of definitions.

Shutdown and boot to safemode, then run a deep full scan with all three and remove anything they find.

Reboot back into Windows normally and then test (you may have to change your home page in your browser). I'd also check your Hosts file for any dodgy entries C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\ (or something like that) and get a copy of HijackThis, install, run and then head over to with the log file and see what it turns up.

Or just format the PC.
  SLK 350
Pretty much covered it, but it's more than likely some rogue BHO (Browser Helper Object) is installed and running within IE. My first port of call would be to check what's loaded via Tools>Manage Addons>Enable/Disable Addons disable anything that looks suspect, including Java.

Quickest way of checking this however is by going to Start>Run>iexplore.exe -extoff then click OK, this will load IE in vanilla format without bells and whistles, see if you can get to Google then. Try typing the IP address below directly into the address bar, does it resolve as Google UK? Or still redirected?

Another thing is to check your DNS is working, go to Start>Run>cmd, type into the black box ping my DNS has this listed as

Once you've worked that out, I'd follow the steps above, however I'd go down this road:

1. Disable System Restore.
2. Go to Control Panel, then Java, open and click to empty Temporary Files.
3. Go to IE, remove Temp Files (Tools>Internet Options).
4. Get a copy of SuperAntiSpyware/MBAM, Hitman Pro, run each scan one at a time, remove all extraneous results.
5. Reboot.
6. Try Browser.
7. Head over to, run a final scan.
(I've recommended the above, which is probably overkill - your infection doesn't sound much more than a redirect BHO)

If it's still fked, head over to bleepingcomputer and make a post, they'll give you instruction on removal
am not good on computers, am trying them steps abovewhere is start on windows is it the little windows sign in the bottom left?
  R34 GT-R & 172 Cup
LOL! yer it is. Dont shutdown just restart just incase its a w**ker virus that wont let you switch back on. press f8 i think to open the safe boot mode with online.
  R34 GT-R & 172 Cup
Okay for when your awake a nice easy process

1. start > restart
2. When computer is rebooting in the bottom right corner it says F8 or F3 for modes > press the button
3. when pressed highlight and select "safe mode with networking" > press enter
4. Will load and look big and blury
5. internet > download said programs and install
6. Run all programs at same time
7. Will let you know whats wrong and will clean it up
8. Start > restart again
9. Will load and everything should be fine
10. If not cry and take to pcworld for some tool to look at all the p**n you were looking at.
11. Pay loads drive home do same again.
12. Repeat again if happens in the future.

Much love xx
cheers wil try in the morning, dont want to take it in a shop theres some fucked up p**n these
  R34 GT-R & 172 Cup
haha if going to look at p**n get more clued up on virus and computers. Or your up s**t street if it goes wrong lol
