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Help with BBTuning Heater Matrix

Just been looking on the BB website and saw this! Please see below. I was wondering what the part "Check carpets for leaky units and replace if nessacary." means. Anyone know?

This item is available fully fitted at £249.00Genuine STD replacement .
As with the radiator once partially blocked do operate correctly, easily identified by poor heater efficiency. Check carpets for leaky units and replace if nessacary.

Just read the question i just posted through again and it sounds stupid.

What i mean is how is the heater matrix linked with checking carpets for leaky units?

i think its because of the 2 hoses that come inside the car from the engine bay carrying coolant, they pass though the matrix, and if its bust it can leak (damp carpets) or sometimes they can block which can account for poor heat from your vents even when the hottest setting is selected


The heater matrix can bust and leak from under the dash and the first thing you will notice if its gone is wet carpets! It happened in my fiesta and it took ages to get rid of the moisture!


I am getting some moisture under the passager seat. It is not damp though under the dash infront of the passenger seat though.

We took the seat out and looked for holes or somthing where the water is coming in but found nothing.

Could this be it?

Have a look under the car is the a plastic plug? These can sometime perish or bust and water can get in through there?

If not rub your hand on the carpet if it feels a bit soapy it could be the heater matrix as the soapy feeling comes from the anti freeze! (As long as you put anti freeze in it!!!)
