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Help with LG TV sound settings - Bass seems to hit a wall


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
LG48C2 (2022 model) - I cannot seem to get my head around this, I have my TV on a stand in the corner of the living room. I sit on the couch opposite the TV, but when listening to music or films/TV programs, there seems to be a certain distance between the TV and the couch that the bass just stops. If I lean my head forwards, towards the TV about 18", I can hear the bass nice and responsive, but if I lean back, it kind of disappears. I have made a diagram, with the TV in red, the couch in blue, my head in pink and the kind of bass wall in yellow. Can anyone advise any settings to help make the bass travel further?

Ideally I don't want to piss the neighbours off by just cranking it up (I actually don't know if that is available). I have it set on stand, not wall mounted in the settings already.



South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Ahhhhh, so I'm w**k at physics, but does that suggest the stairwell behind my head is reflecting back the waves, causing it to cancel out the ones coming towards me?
Different frequencies have different wavelengths (but you know that already).

What's probably happening is that certain low freqs (which have longer waves) are a perfect match for the length of the room, causing the standing wave. Either a full / half / quarter etc of lets say 100Hz fills that space and thats why you can put your head in the peak and hear the frequency, and move it away into the dip of the wave and not hear it.

Suggest you move the TV 18" forward or, maybe even 6" and see how you get on. Is the sound bar designed to be used in a corner !?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Different frequencies have different wavelengths (but you know that already).

What's probably happening is that certain low freqs (which have longer waves) are a perfect match for the length of the room, causing the standing wave. Either a full / half / quarter etc of lets say 100Hz fills that space and thats why you can put your head in the peak and hear the frequency, and move it away into the dip of the wave and not hear it.

Suggest you move the TV 18" forward or, maybe even 6" and see how you get on. Is the sound bar designed to be used in a corner !?

I don't think anything is deigned to be in the corner as such, and I don't really want to pull the TV much further into the room.

I wonder if there's some way of accessing the EQ settings to maybe add a few dB on like you say 100hz, see if it moved the wave forwards to my liking.

Might have a bash tonight after a few cans when having a little Friday Night rave 😂

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Just change it to music mode if you want to listen to some tunes.

Our 48” CX in the dining room sounds fine, but then it’s not in a corner and it’s hung on the wall so not sure if that makes any difference to sound.
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South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I don't think anything is deigned to be in the corner as such, and I don't really want to pull the TV much further into the room.

I wonder if there's some way of accessing the EQ settings to maybe add a few dB on like you say 100hz, see if it moved the wave forwards to my liking.

Might have a bash tonight after a few cans when having a little Friday Night rave 😂
Yeah you really suck at physics.

100hz will always be the same wave length (~3.43m) in the same location.. moving the source or the reflection pane are your only options.
  Clio 197,with megan'
Play sound as normal, crawl around the room, the bass will sound good at one particular spot, thats the best place for the sound. If Your sound bar has a sub out, add a subwoofer, and put it in that spot , and let the sound bar do the mids and treble.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Play sound as normal, crawl around the room, the bass will sound good at one particular spot, thats the best place for the sound. If Your sound bar has a sub out, add a subwoofer, and put it in that spot , and let the sound bar do the mids and treble.

The soundbar I have has a sub. It sounds great when watching TV and listening to music, but that's for when having a great action film on etc, and it's loud as f**k, so I don't use it all that often.

I'd prefer the TV speakers, which are really quite good for an OLED panel, to hit the perfect sound where I sit, rather than having to lean forward for the best experience, hence asking if there's a setting I can adjust to move the, what I now know, to be a standing wave.

The Psychedelic Socialist

ClioSport Club Member
Well you've already proved my point by moving your head and solving the problem ?

If you can find a way to change the wavelength of a specific frequency, there might be a Nobel Prize coming your way.
Use some silicone sealant to make your living room airtight, then replace all the nitrogen with something like sulphur hexaflouride. This will change the wavelength without changing the frequency of the sounds, moving any dead spots around the room. If it's still a problem you could try balancing it out with some helium until you get it exactly where you want it.

Or maybe move a bookcase or something. Like whatever's easiest.

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Use some silicone sealant to make your living room airtight, then replace all the nitrogen with something like sulphur hexaflouride. This will change the wavelength without changing the frequency of the sounds, moving any dead spots around the room. If it's still a problem you could try balancing it out with some helium until you get it exactly where you want it.

Or maybe move a bookcase or something. Like whatever's easiest.
It will also have the added bonus of making him sound like Barry White

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Kind of similar..

Can anyone help.. I have a sound bar and sub (LG NB5540) and above say volume 20 (/100) or so it’s very staticy, tinny, sounds as if there is loose metal when the bass kicks in. Has always done it!

Tried all different presets etc but no difference

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Use some silicone sealant to make your living room airtight, then replace all the nitrogen with something like sulphur hexaflouride. This will change the wavelength without changing the frequency of the sounds, moving any dead spots around the room. If it's still a problem you could try balancing it out with some helium until you get it exactly where you want it.

Or maybe move a bookcase or something. Like whatever's easiest.

Doing that reminds me of this.



ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Kind of similar..

Can anyone help.. I have a sound bar and sub (LG NB5540) and above say volume 20 (/100) or so it’s very staticy, tinny, sounds as if there is loose metal when the bass kicks in. Has always done it!

Tried all different presets etc but no difference

That sounds more like resonance, like something on the bar (or close to it) is lose
