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Hi everyone, new 172 owner

  Renault Clio 172
Hey everyone,

I'm Oli, 22 from Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

As you can see from my join date I have been a member for a few years, but about a month ago I bought myself a nice phase 2 172 so paid my membership and finally got round to making a post!

So anyway, the car

K12 ONB (plate came with the car, not my choice, just looks like kn*b to me haha)

I believe the car is originally a 52 plate.

65,900 miles when I picked it up, now on 67,350
Iceburg (berg?) Silver 172

Service history upto 38,000 miles, nothing after that

Chavvy universal cone filter, stupid rectangle mild steel box section tailpipe welded onto a generic stainless system and a cut rear bumper to suit and all round tints all came on the car when I bought it

All this aside, it cost me a grand total of £1,400 with 6 months tax and 12 months test, having one advisory for the visibly leaking N/S/R shock.

Overall I was very pleased and the car is amazing, the bodywork is genuinely immaculate with perfect paint and the interior is also excellent condition, with a small bit of wear on one thumb grip.

So anyway, does anyone know the car?

First job is on the 21st June, I'm booked in with Diamond Motors for cambelt kit, aux belt kit, dephaser pulley, Waterpump, thermostat and brake fluid change :)

I have just been delivered my standard Airbox to remove the god awful cone and I also got a C2 stubby aerial to go on this weekend :)

The silly exhaust will have to stay for the moment, I'm dying to change it but the cambelt has drained my funds for the next few months, any suggestions for a nice system?

Sorry for the essay guys and a big hello to everyone, I will get some pictures up soon!
  Renault Clio 172
Thanks Brian :)

Also need to have a crack at fixing the climate control this weekend too, pretty sure it is the little sprocket that has split as I've read all the threads on it, that's a job to do then get the air con re gassed, last week was hell with the hot weather!

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8

Good to see one being restored to it's former glory :)
  Renault Clio 172
Matt W - I hope so! Hopefully it will be along the way to an immaculate OEM+ soon enough :)

GS - thanks buddy, it certainly has helped me along so far :)
