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Hi to all

  Clio Sport 182
Just wanted to say hello, new to the forum and should pick my Clio Sport 182 up on Friday morning, if it ain't a shed!
Just sold an Evo VI, decided to calm down a bit for the winter so opted to try the Clio out as I have heard good things and also been tailgated around Cadwell Park a fair few times by the pesky little blighters! :cool:

Hope to be able to contribute useful info to the forum as I have some experience of cars/tyres/engineering etc and also helping out at a local Motorsport/Rally Garage, besides my day job.

I'm a long time member of the MLR, so if anyone has questions about evo's please ask away too. had 4 of them now too.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Hi mate. Im also a member on the MLR, very good forum, like this one to be fair. I went from an evo7 to a ph1 172, okay not as fast but a damm site cheaper to run. Welcome to CS.

  Renault Sport Clio 182
welcome to cs, allmost done the opposite to you, looked at selling the 182 for an evo 6, get pics up of the new clio when you get it.

  Clio Sport 182
Thanks guys. Will get pics up once I get the car sorted. No doubt it'll become a money pit just like my evo's have done. I'll be back in an evo soon enough but always fancied one of these.

I do like the look of a turbo kit though! lol
Rocky, I know of an evo VI going for sale which is a real good one, my old one has just gone back up for sale. A white import. Have a look on Mitsubishi Lancer Register, cars for sale section, it's the white VI jdm import. I spent a fair bit on that one and the lad who bought it off me has only had it 6 months or so. he has changed jobs I believe.

can't say much bad about the VI's, as i've had 3 of them!
  Silver 182
Dont know alot about evos but had a impreza prodrive in the family for 3 years that i been on the track with. Clio never will be as fast in the straightline and driving position feels too high, but it does turn better and has 26mpg instead of 17-19 :p
  Clio Sport 182
If you were getting 17-19mpg, then you weren't driving it properly! LOL. I used to get single figures on track days. :)

Never fancied the scoobys except the P1. (R22B) Now if I could get one of those i'd give it a try. Can't believe how cheap everything is for the Clio tho. Insurance sorted for £149 FC. Just hoping this car tomorrow is ok.
  Silver 182
149quid haha thats crazy man! Is this same insurance company and cos u owned some fast cars before or? Lowest i heard was about 350-400 mark i think.
  Clio Sport 182
Well I went with Admiral Multicar last year as they only quoted £540 FC for my EVO VI (protected NCB too). So I rang them and said how much for a Clio Sport and he said £149. I didnt even bother ringing anyone else, but I am an old git and have been running some high performance cars over the years. This is the first car i've had which isnt at least a group 20, lol
