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HTC EVO 3D Mobile Phone

  Clio 172 cup
Which other phones have a high-res screen like the iPhone 4? None. So how they can be behind on something they were first to do?
Your very very wrong

Samsung galaxy s / wave, super Amoled hi res screen is way better than the IP4, more vibrant colour

only thing samsung phones have going for them at the moment tbh
  Clio 172 cup
Lol its a phone Ffs. Oh and lol at Revels calling people stupid for thinking MP is how good a camera is... no people just don't give a flying f**k.

Lol. Manufacturers around the world have used the 'MP' to sell millions of cameras/phones making £billions of profit

good job everyone is stupid!!


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Your very very wrong

Samsung galaxy s / wave, super Amoled hi res screen is way better than the IP4, more vibrant colour

only thing samsung phones have going for them at the moment tbh

Its not a better res is it. 800 x 480 and its a 4 inch screen, unreadable in sunlight.

Lets not forget you started a thread bigging up a phone that wont ever come to the uk, let alone work here.
Lol its a phone Ffs. Oh and lol at Revels calling people stupid for thinking MP is how good a camera is... no people just don't give a flying f**k.

Lol. Manufacturers around the world have used the 'MP' to sell millions of cameras/phones making £billions of profit

good job everyone is stupid!!

The general public are stupid. Hence why they give out megapixel numbers and don't talk about sensor size. If you knew anything about photography you'd know this.

Your very very wrong

Samsung galaxy s / wave, super Amoled hi res screen is way better than the IP4, more vibrant colour

only thing samsung phones have going for them at the moment tbh

As Tom says. I'm not wrong. It's also you're, not your.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
No Revels I don't know about photography as I said I couldnt care less, if it works and the pictures look ok then success. The trouble with you is that you think you're above people because you spend ages on the net reading loads of crap no one cares about.
Like post in discussion threads that you have zero interest in?

To be fair you were wrong in this instance, because Apple weren't anywhere near the first manufacturer to produce a hi-res screen.

Which phone has a higher-res screen? Link me to it. That came out before last June. Genuinely interested.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Which phone has a higher-res screen? Link me to it. That came out before last June. Genuinely interested..

Theres probably some Japanese soft bank Casio phone that ran 1080p in 1998


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I'm due an upgrade and I like htc aswell as apple so was seeing if anything new and actually worthwhile having was out.
  2014 Focus Titanium
Other features where Apple are/were behind are:

Front facing camera
Camera Flash
Hi resolution screen

Which other phones have a high-res screen like the iPhone 4? None. So how they can be behind on something they were first to do?

My old HTC Diamond 2 had 292dpi compared with the existing iPhone at that time (3G) which had 160dpi, Apple's next Gen phone (3GS) then sported the same 160dpi screen. It took Apple a further 14 months to bring out their phone which had that sort of resolution.

Which phone has a higher-res screen? Link me to it. That came out before last June. Genuinely interested.

When did you or I mention about higher resolution screens? I said they were way behind producing a high resolution screen. Then you said which other phones have a high resolution, so I told you which phones had high resolution screens and when they were brought out, and now you're asking me for phones that have a higher res screen now when that wasn't the point I made.

Fact of the matter is, the difference between 290ppi and 320ppi is negligable, but 160ppi to 290ppi is massive, and that was 15 months before Apple implemented the Retina.
Last edited:
  2.2 bar shed.
Megapixels mean everything. Ditched my 7D in exchange for a compact, its way easier to carry and takes just as good pics.

When did you or I mention about higher resolution screens? I said they were way behind producing a high resolution screen. Then you said which other phones have a high resolution, so I told you which phones had high resolution screens and when they were brought out, and now you're asking me for phones that have a higher res screen now when that wasn't the point I made.

Fact of the matter is, the difference between 290ppi and 320ppi is negligable, but 160ppi to 290ppi is massive, and that was 15 months before Apple implemented the Retina.

Right, I see what you mean. But your whole point was that Apple was miles behind everyone for years. The 3GS had what everyone thought was a decent screen at the time. The retina is very good and is still the best available.

So they might have taken a bit longer but they've produced the best. It might only be 30ppi more, which you probably can't even see, but it's still the best. It's not even the standard yet. Most manufacturers are still miles behind.
  2014 Focus Titanium
Yeah. Like I said, I really don't have anything against iPhones, I have one myself! I just doubt I'll be getting one next unless they have some really special features, mainly for me I would like a bigger screen.

As I said before, I love what Apple have done to the market, all the other manufacturers have had to step up their game in the software and GUI department, because having great specs on paper and s**t software and GUI means f**k all when iPhones are available, people will go for the iPhone all day long. Having now used some of the latest Android phones I'm happy to say that the competition have caught up with the GUI (although it's taken 3 years) therefore I'm thinking of stepping off the Apple train so I can have a bit more freedom with my phone.

For the record, I would love to see the iPhone 5 blow everything out of the water. And if it does I will buy one, but I just don't think it will.


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
he retina is very good and is still the best available.

give me a AMOLED screen any day over the retina display it just looks better, as proved when me and my mate were playing angry birds him on his iphone 4 and me with my htc desire my screen just looked more vibrant and colours were much better and brighter and obviously better for battery life which is a very important factor


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I think Steve Jobs is actually hiring. Maybe throw your post his way and see what he thinks.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I R enjoying being a non poor person.

IIRC you can be homeless but own an apple product therfore you are not poor...
