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HTC Warranty Issue


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
OI've had my HTC wildfire s for just under a year (2 year warranty). About 6 months after I bought it I sent it in for a repair to the loudspeaker, which they did with no problems. However it came back with updated software and ever since I've had problems with it freezing, touchscreen issues, apps closing, HTC crashing etc. It went back twice and each time came back after they'd done a software repair. Each time they'd supposedly fixed the problem. After the last time it came back (a few weeks ago now) the problem was still there, so I booked it in AGAIN. They picked it up Wed 4th July and they've had it ever since. They sent me a repair quote of £128!! I was like err wtf?!
I called them to find out why, to be told "you've rooted the device". Which is the same as unlocking apparently and is considered to be illegal software.

Now, I've not let anyone touch my phone other than HTC's repair centre and I purchased the phone brand new in a sealed box locked to t-mobile. And surely if it was unlocked they would of picked this up previously??

so as you can imagine I'm pretty angry and need to know where I can go from here - will be trying to get in contact with the ombudsman and see what they can do.

Anyone got any ideas how I can prove they unlocked it?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
There are several issues here, however the simple and most effective thing is to try again and not take no for an answer. Its also worth contacting your network, this while probably a futile effort might help you solve your issue.

They probably said you rooted it as most people do this with s**t android phones that don't work properly with the supplied OS, i'm willing to bet that its a very easy way of fobbing people off.

My advice in the future, think very hard before you choose a phone.

Alternatively, you could root your phone and move to a better build of android, but this would void your warranty.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Cheers tom, I dont want it rooted or anything just want it back to how it was when I bought it lol. The phone does exactly what I need it to, the only gripe I had was the lack of internal memory but either way I likes my phone!
Would there be a log on the hard disk of software updates?

Either I have to pay the £128 to get it back fixed or £25 unfixed.
  Listerine & Poledo
Admin, testing and postal charges. They are able to charge these if they deem the fault not to be one under the warranty.

Sash, Send it to repair through a 3rd party. Carphone would do. So long as you have a proof of purchase they'll give it a once over, maybe even fix it. If they agree wit hHTC though, you're fairly boned, wouldn't even have much of a chance through courts
  C1 VTR (Company Car)
You need to just get on the phone and explain/have a right good go at them..

If what your saying is true and they are the only people who have touched your phone they clearly have done soemthing wrong so it thinks the software isn't genuine. You can't just give up and pay £128/25 they need to get it sorted.

Also speak with t-mobile for their assistance.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Shipping and administration charges. They still have the phone so can't send it elsewhere!
  C1 VTR (Company Car)
pay the admin charge and get it back, then send it for 3rd party assessment.

No way. HTC have changed the software, HTC have made it rooted in there eyes. OP can't just pay them what they're asking and leave it.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Admin, testing and postal charges. They are able to charge these if they deem the fault not to be one under the warranty.

Sash, Send it to repair through a 3rd party. Carphone would do. So long as you have a proof of purchase they'll give it a once over, maybe even fix it. If they agree wit hHTC though, you're fairly boned, wouldn't even have much of a chance through courts

We didn't do that at CPW in the old days? Maybe when IRIS was introduced, i was on my way out at that point.
Either way its pretty s**t service.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
pay the admin charge and get it back, then send it for 3rd party assessment.

Why would I do that? HTC have done this to my phone not me!!
I don't see why I should have to pay them anything!
So when you called them and they said it had been rooted. Then what did you say? Just agree and hang up or argue with them?
  Listerine & Poledo
Why would I do that? HTC have done this to my phone not me!!
I don't see why I should have to pay them anything!

OK, then don't get your phone back.

Or you could get it refunded if the 3rd party testing proves that there was no such fault, or the fault was covered by warranty.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
From the off said that they're responsible, they are the only persons that have had access to it etc he then said give him 48 hours to look into it, that was on Thursday. Called again today to be told it won't be covered end of. Again told them it was their fault and if they wont repair it foc I will be seeking legal action.

Edit. They said the security had been turned off or something and had pictures to prove this.... surely there's nothing stopping them turning the security off then taking the picture and sayin its been rooted?
Last edited:
  Listerine & Poledo
Good luck with that.

Look, I deal with sh1t like this every damn day. At least you're not claiming you "never" get your phone wet so I'll go easy here.

Basically, if you seriously want to go to court about it, if it's older than 6 months old, the burden is on YOU to prove the faults were present at the time of sale. That will be very difficult to do without having an independant, 3rd party assessment of the handset.

If it's younger than 6 months, get it back and ask the retailer to prove the fault wasn't there at time of sale.

But just refusing to pay and then copping a strop about it isn't going to get you anywhere. You'll be on the recieving end of a defence which will take your argument and wee on it from a great height.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Good luck with that.

Look, I deal with sh1t like this every damn day. At least you're not claiming you "never" get your phone wet so I'll go easy here.

Basically, if you seriously want to go to court about it, if it's older than 6 months old, the burden is on YOU to prove the faults were present at the time of sale. That will be very difficult to do without having an independant, 3rd party assessment of the handset.

If it's younger than 6 months, get it back and ask the retailer to prove the fault wasn't there at time of sale

But just refusing to pay and then copping a strop about it isn't going to get you anywhere. You'll be on the recieving end of a defence which will take your argument and wee on it from a great height.
If it was rooted from day 1 why has it only been pointed out now despite them doing 3 previous software updaties....?
Put something in writing, stating your concerns / disappointment, and that the phone hasn't been touched. Add a load of spiel that you have lost trust in them as a company and will not be buying one in future etc.. Mention you will be contacting the ombudsman or whatever, may get you somewhere.

You should at least be able to get it back for free, even if it isn't repaired.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Phone them - demand to speak to a manager. Go mental at them.

Tell them you're going to the ombudsman.

If they still f**k you around, leave it. Report it stolen with your SP and have it blocked.

It's a PoS - not worth the £25 to get it back !


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
I had a similar issue with a void sticker being missing, I had not let anyone bar the official repair centre's touch my phone, I was told that I would have to pay a £25 admin fee so I went mental at the manager who refused to do anything so I contacted the Communications ombudsmen who told me I needed to get a deadlock letter, when I told the repair company (3) that I wanted one they suddenly decided I didn't need to pay any fee.
  Listerine & Poledo
If it was rooted from day 1 why has it only been pointed out now despite them doing 3 previous software updaties....?


Given that the fault arose "after 6 months", YOU must prove the fault wasn't ther at POS. If you cannot, then you will not be able to satisfy the obligations listed under the Sale of Goods Act and, thusly, any claim will die on its ass, and you'll only be further out of pocket.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
How the heck would I or any other member of joe public be able to tell that it had been rooted? From what HTC tell me, its something that can only be accessed via the hard disk software on the phone....

Ive managed to get the picture that shows the security has been turned off... means nothing to me though!
  Listerine & Poledo
that's why you get independant experts in to give their opinion of the matter.

or leave it for dead and get another phone.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
that's why you get independant experts in to give their opinion of the matter.

or leave it for dead and get another phone.

Right ok, so for example... I take it to an independent place... they get into the software and see the same thing as HTC... the security has been turned off... which will tell them its been rooted. So really there's no point doing this, right?

The independent place won't know what HTC have or haven't done to the handset will they? If there was a log of events carried out to the phone i.e software changes, security updates/modifications then thats surely the only way a 3rd party would be able to find out?
From the off said that they're responsible, they are the only persons that have had access to it etc he then said give him 48 hours to look into it, that was on Thursday. Called again today to be told it won't be covered end of. Again told them it was their fault and if they wont repair it foc I will be seeking legal action.

Edit. They said the security had been turned off or something and had pictures to prove this.... surely there's nothing stopping them turning the security off then taking the picture and sayin its been rooted?

I had a similar issue with a void sticker being missing, I had not let anyone bar the official repair centre's touch my phone, I was told that I would have to pay a £25 admin fee so I went mental at the manager who refused to do anything so I contacted the Communications ombudsmen who told me I needed to get a deadlock letter, when I told the repair company (3) that I wanted one they suddenly decided I didn't need to pay any fee.

Do that ^^

Then when you get it back, get it flashed PROPERLY and live your life.

Fighting over legal action for the sake of some cheap phone and arguing really isn't worth your while.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
How the heck would I or any other member of joe public be able to tell that it had been rooted? From what HTC tell me, its something that can only be accessed via the hard disk software on the phone....

Ive managed to get the picture that shows the security has been turned off... means nothing to me though!

Post the pic then!


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One

Not that it matters now, Ive just found information that says it was unlocked at the time of purchase (despite it being delivered in a sealed box!) So looks like I owe them an apology.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
That's what I thought, Tom.

I think the phone needs leaving with them anyway. It's a PoS and has been since day 1.

Not worth the postage to send back !


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Totally agree there. I could probably knock up something for £25 I'd rather use.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
She's got my 2.5 year old Desire anyway which hasn't put a foot wrong since I got it.

She will be banished to the kitchen soon anyway.

