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Hurrah insurance renewal time


ClioSport Club Member
Yes it's that great time of year when I get to spend loads of time talking to call centres and filling in forms to sort out this years insurance :(

Current best quote is £340, details are:

mk1 172
26 years old
fully comp
7 years protected ncb
£250 excess
Parked on drive

I know that's not exactly expensive (I remember paying 1000 tpft for a 19 16v, never again!) but does anyone have any recommendations of where might be able to do this cheaper? This is with Adrian Flux (I know people hate them but they've always been good to me over the eyars), Privilige was a few quid more, most others at least £50 more.

Looking through last years docs I paid £375 in the end (I'd remembered it being cheaper) but was hoping for more off :p

Annoyingly my postcode risk has increased, even though I've gone from living in the main high street in a town centre with the car parked on any road I can find in the town that's got a space to parked on the driveway of a nice house on a very quiet nice housing estate, mental!
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Well, at the moment Churchill are saying that if you have 3 years of not claiming then they'll guarantee to beat any like-for-like quote, so maybe give them a go.

I also thought Privilege beat any quote with 4+ years no claims?

I'm one of those people that hates Ade Flux, all stems from when I went to insure a car with them and got a 30/40 page book to fill out - I just felt they'd take any opportunity to avoid paying out in the event of a claim.


ClioSport Club Member
Problem is all this "we'll beat your quote" stuff sually means if it's rock bottom anyway they undercut each other by a quid, not worth the hassle for a pound off :p
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Very true, especially if renewal is a simple confirmation signature...

That's why I've stuck with Admiral... maybe give them a go, or Bell, who are part of the same group.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah all the admiral group ones aren't comign out too well.

the other good thing with priv. and all those groups is that they don't change the premium for ym 2 non fault/no claim accidents, everyone else loads the premium from £50 upwards!
