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I’m I Doing The Right Thing Hmm...


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped

Alright everyone, been reading the forum for a while but only just signed up (great site btw)

Heres why, im thinking about buying a 182 however im wondering if its a step too far.

My reason for this is because i only passed my driving test on Thursday and as such it will be my 1st motor!

What do you guys think? Im a mad/crazy??

I must admit i really do want a 182, not really considered anything else.

Just another quick point on the insurance, ive done a online quote for it and it came back as £1,900! is this about right for a new driver?

Cheers guys, any feedback greatly appreciated :)


£1900, even TPFT, is cheap for a new driver on a 182.

I think you are mad though.

Id have been dead inside a week of passing my test if Id bought a well rapid car.

My Williams is my 2nd car.. I have a Clio 1.2 which was my first car (for 3 years).

After driving the Williams now, Im glad I got some experience before I got it..

But, if you have good self control and are REALLY careful, I dont see it being much of a problem..

Idring up the insurers if I were you and get a quote over the phone, as I normally find the online quotes are way out of whack.....

on the subject of whether its mad to get a 182 as a first car or not... well I honestly think it would be a good idea for the government to enforce a 1.4 16v n/a maximum on cars for the first two year of passing ya test (or upto 20 years old) just for the simple thing of safety really.... but that my own opinion, if you can afford it and feel you can handle it then go for it mate....

how old are you?

Quote: Originally posted by Daz on 16 May 2004

But, if you have good self control and are REALLY careful, I dont see it being much of a problem..
The last thing I had after a passed my test was self-control, and I definately wasnt careful!

When I think back to how stupid I was - I shouldve been dead anyway.. let alone with the ability to get twice as fast in the same distance!
  Mondeo STTDCI

1) Become a member!

2) I think you need to examine the reasons you want a 182. How many different cars have you actually sat in or even driven? I mean I know its the "in thing" on this forum at the mo as its the latest model, but is it gonna be really what you want? I would seriously suggest getting at least a years experience on the road first. In 4 years I have had 6 car crashes, ranging from a write off to minor scrapes.

3) £1900 seems a surprisingly good quote - how old are you? I am currently being quoted £1850 by Tescos (a surprisingly cheap insurer usually) and have 4NCBs. They wouldnt insure a new car TPF&T.

dude.......... imo dont do it, get a 1.4/1.6 if only for a couple months to get some driving experience before jumping into a car like that.
  Clio v6

Welcome to Cliosport.

Your insurance quote sounds almost to good to be true. Let us know where you got that quote please :)

I have been driving since before you were born by the sound of things. Not one accident caused by me. BUT, what I started off with were cheap throw away cars.
I just had to have an absolute *masterpiece of technology 1850 Mini when I was 18. I really think it was a lot of luck rather than skill that I survived the early driving years.

If you get a 182 the temptation to drive it faster than your actual ability may well end in tears.

Think carefully over this very big descision. A very nippy 1.4 or 1.6 may give you many more miles of fun, and safe motoring.

* death trap :)
  172 FF

Well my first car was a 1.1 Renualt 5, followed by a 1.4sport Fiesta & the 1.4 was well rapid for me at that time.

Basically saying, dont get a 182 for a first car. Chances are that even if you dont drive it mad you will still make a mistake somewhere & have a little bump or something.

My first car was the most fun I ever had (despite what it was), probably cos it was my first. It doesnt make sense to get something like a 182 for first car. Thats why the insurance is that high. The insurance companies know what it going to happen.
  BMW 320d Sport

No way, dont get a 182 as a first car, thats mad. Work your way up otherwise youll find that you still have no NCB by the time youre 25!

My first car was a 1.0 Fiesta Popular. About a basic a car as you could get but none of my other mates had anything better, even those with rich parents, and that car was quite enough fun at the time. After that a 1.3 (?) Metro, then a Clio 1.4 RT then a valver which I still drive now.


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped

Well where do i start;)

Lots of quality advice, so cheers.

Get the general feeling that most of you think it would be a bit mad getting it as a 1st car. I suppose i half expected that tbh.

Ok, to answer some points now.

Im no 18yr old boy racer and i would like to think im a level headed guy with lots of self control, not into driving recklessly tbo:)

Maybe the reason why the insurance quote was good(?) is because i am over 25 and my G/F is aswell and she has 6yrs NCB ( note: i would be down as the main driver though:))

Also on the insurance point, ill be taking this Pass Plus course mainly for the extra experience but also for a insurance discount.

Another reason for not getting a inferior car is because ill be moving to a new flat/house soon with the Mrs so id rather spend my car budget now-just to be on the safe side;)

dont blame you if you get a 182, because at least you will know that its a great car and not some £500 death trap!

I think if you were an 18 yr old then i would say get a slower car and work your way up, but if you are older than 25 then the insurance will not be too bad. I have a 1.1 saxo now which i have had 2 yrs and have been driving 3 yrs. So i brought a 182 which is due on the 26th may. Bit of a jump in performance but i have saved for it and think im ready.

good luck to ya
  RS Megane DCi 175

Age isnt everything tho mate.
Its years of driving experience that counts, knowing your own limits and dealing with things that they dont teach you in driving lessons...I was always told that the real learning happens after you pass your test...and would agree.

You could ignore the above coz to be honest Im just jealous coz Ive got a 1.2!

[Edited by MattT on 16 May 2004 at 7:54pm]
  Mk2 172

Most people have their first accident within 6 I have heard.

I should say "get an old fiesta" but the 182 is a safe car to have an accident in.

Try to get Fully Comp. insurance. If you are buying the car with a loan, then the last thing you want to do is pay off a loan for a car you wrote off 3 years ago.

I started off with bangers and im glad i did ive just got a 172 at 23 years old and i love it but.. I think if it had been my first car i would have been banned/trashed and i would be driving a matiz now but thats just me maybe you have more self control

btw ive noticed since getting the 172 my speeds have increased

Just because the 182 has the power doesnt mean you have to use it, you can drive it like an old fart for a few months until your ready to unleash the power

Quote: Originally posted by hip_spasm on 16 May 2004

1) Become a member!

2) I think you need to examine the reasons you want a 182. How many different cars have you actually sat in or even driven? I mean I know its the "in thing" on this forum at the mo as its the latest model, but is it gonna be really what you want? I would seriously suggest getting at least a years experience on the road first. In 4 years I have had 6 car crashes, ranging from a write off to minor scrapes.

3) £1900 seems a surprisingly good quote - how old are you? I am currently being quoted £1850 by Tescos (a surprisingly cheap insurer usually) and have 4NCBs. They wouldnt insure a new car TPF&T.
1850 with tescos, im getting an average of £950 for a 22yr with 4ncb, if i added pnc it would bump it up an extra 50 quid


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped

Quote: Originally posted by Essex_Lad on 16 May 2004
Just because the 182 has the power doesnt mean you have to use it, you can drive it like an old fart for a few months until your ready to unleash the power

Exactly fella, thats the way i look at it.

I wouldnt try and be clever, id respect what power i have under my right foot.

Stating the obvious, but i also think ANY car in the wrong hands can be a accident waiting to happen.

Id be paying cash aswell so this pay back a loan etc wont apply ;)

All in all, having considered everything i think im going to go ahead and get one:D

Now does anyone know where i can get the best deal;)
  Mondeo STTDCI

The fact the guy is 25 has increased my level of faith in him . However, if you REALLY wanna do it you wanna do pass plus, ROSPA and whatever else u can first. Then do it.

Quote: Originally posted by Daz on 16 May 2004
Quote: Originally posted by Essex_Lad on 16 May 2004Just because the 182 has the power doesnt mean you have to use it[/QUOTE]Its not as easy as that, tho.

lol agreed. Nearly 200 BHP under your right foot you WILL use it and youll use it all the time.

If your over 25 getting a 182 shouldnt be too bad, I would still advise getting something more sensible as you will probably have some sort of crash in you first couple of years driving (even if its only parking or whatever)

you need the right skill and the right mentality, i have more than enough skill just not the correct mentality. I have had a cup for a few weeks now and rag the b****cks of it non-stop. If i was not going to do this i would not have bothered buying one. I miss the luxurys of my old 1.6 but i dont miss the lack of power. If you are going to be ulta sensible then there is no point in buying one. If you are going to rag the nuts of it you will very likely kill yourself quickly unless you have other experience such as karting. If i had a 172 Cup just after i passed my test i would surely have killed myself. I nearly did in a sh*ty nova. I am now 25 and think my parents were right to make it difficult for me to get anything too fast to soon.


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped

Quote: Originally posted by hip_spasm on 16 May 2004
the best deal is F&F ;)

Yeah so ive read on here:)

So who do i send the cheque to ( id make it worth your while of course!;) )

As for not being able to control your urge to rag it etc, im sure i could im very sensible me:)


Yeah, Im sensible too - until I get in a car... ;)

Ive worked up to my current car via a Renault 11 1.4 Automatic, XR2, and then a Pug 309 GTi (and the exs Clio 16v) and, looking back, Ive always had a tendency to drive with my foot to the floor half the time. I just cant help it - in life Im a bit of a boring old fart, avoiding risks at all costs, but get to a fast bit of road and Im full-on into the moment, foot down, working up to the edge.

Dont think youll be immune to it because you wont! :p

The argument about having the power to get you out of a situation is a relevant one, but the power can equally get you into a situation!

From what I can tell, most people crash their first car at least once, so youd be better to get a cheap car that you can just throw away and not claim for, rather than a £13k car that will cost big money!
  RS Megane DCi 175

Quote: Originally posted by Daz on 16 May 2004

Quote: Originally posted by Essex_Lad on 16 May 2004

Just because the 182 has the power doesnt mean you have to use it
Its not as easy as that, tho.
I agree, having the power of a 182 and not using it kind of defeats the purpose of going for such a powerful car in the first place doesnt it?
I mean if thats the case, you might as well get a cheaper 1.2/1.4/1.6 etc.

Thats my theory anyway.

ahaaaa!!! your crazy!!!!!! (again Alana Partridge)

I passed my test 1 year ago and bought a 172 as my first car. I am 27 years old though.

basically you just need to be a bit sensible rather than irresponsible. always err on the side of caution.

you could look at it like this - you have a much safer car with better brakes etc. that can assist maintaining your safety. thing is - if you drive like a muppett in any car you will crash. just be sensible and rag it on track or when it is safe.


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped

One last question, i think!

Having decided to get one, do i need to test drive one bearing in mind i like everything about the car and ive done my research ( and i dont have any other car in mind tbo;) )

Im 6ft 1in tall and medium build so im guessing the driving position would be ok.

Did everyone test drive their cars before buying? Is it a
necessity really?

Thanks-again guys:D

Welcome to Cliosport!

1/ I think youre a wee bit daft getting a 182 as your first car - but then I dont know you: you could be a very mature person in a car, so I dont really think asking us on the board here for an opinion will be that useful! ;) Sorry! Im personally glad to have started off in a lower powered car (Punto 55bhp, Punto 85bhp, Astra 99bhp, Clio 172) and work my way up. Even if I ragged the arse off my first Punto, it still didnt go quickly, but it was fun. If Id done that in a 172/182 Id have killed myself, maybe others too. At least now Ive got more self-control and driving skill (debateable!).

2/ Youll fit in fine - driving position is great for me (similar height / build).

3/ I didnt bother with a test drive. I went on reputation plus my GFs dads opinion as an ex-owner.

4/ Thats a sh*tload to spend on insurance - Im 25 and when I renew next month I should have 2 years ncb (driving for 8 years) and Ive been quoted just under £800. Saying that, because youre a new driver its likely to be expensive. Try

Have fun!

Just because youre a mature driver doesnt mean the 182 is ideal for you (at this point in time). New drivers tend to be nervous and can and will make mistakes, im not sure if a 182 is the sort of car you want youre first prangs in. Im not an aggressive driver but i do get the red mist sometimes, and am afterwards glad i was in a 1.2!

However, its your decision, your money etc. If you think you can handle it, then go ahead.

Good luck



ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped

Yeah, i do think ill be able to handle it besides YOU control the car, not the other way round ( in theory anyway!)

Id say im a mature person who knows his limits. I wouldnt push my luck wth it thats for sure.

The Mrs is rather looking foward to a new car. She is not a bad driver at all, in fact shes quite good for a woman;) ( 6+ yrs NCB)

[Edited by Leo182 on 5/17/2004 1:55:02 PM]


ClioSport Club Member
  Blue c/w Gold Wheels

I had a 5 Turbo for my first car at 18 and never bumped it, if u can afford it and really want it...get it.
