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I’m I Doing The Right Thing Hmm...

Dont try to run before you can walk....Believe me when I say no matter how old you are, its experience that counts. You say you will drive like an old duffer until you feel confident about the car, buts whats to say you wont get too confident? Thats when accidents happen when you dont know your limits. There will be times when you will put your foot down thinking that you can make an overtaking manouver or not realise your speed and not leave enough braking distance or take a bend too fast. And then there are other drivers who will try and goad you into racing or when the red mists sets in, will you be able to get yourself out of trouble? Theres a high risk that youll damage your car due to lack of driving experience, if you are willing to risk damaging, writing off your car or even in the extreme, you and/or passengers well being, then go for it.

Look at it this way, just cos you got some brand new expensive trainers, doesnt mean you can run a marathon....
  172 FF

This is gonna end in tears, I can just see it.

Anyway, dont think you always have control of the car, some times IT takes control. Like lift off oversteer. If you are going too fast & you get some of that, then you are gonna trash it.

Get it on a nice big track & take some proper racing courses or something to get to know how to handle a fast car, or you will get over confident, cos the car really does handle superb at lower speeds. And I dont think you would be getting a fast car if you werent thinking of doing a bit of hard driving.
Take some notes & dont go killing yourself.

[Edited by NIN-172 on 17 May 2004 at 10:09pm]
  182, GTR, C63

Quote: Originally posted by Leo182 on 16 May 2004

Well where do i start;)

Lots of quality advice, so cheers.

Get the general feeling that most of you think it would be a bit mad getting it as a 1st car. I suppose i half expected that tbh.

Ok, to answer some points now.

Im no 18yr old boy racer and i would like to think im a level headed guy with lots of self control, not into driving recklessly tbo:)

Maybe the reason why the insurance quote was good(?) is because i am over 25 and my G/F is aswell and she has 6yrs NCB ( note: i would be down as the main driver though:))

Also on the insurance point, ill be taking this Pass Plus course mainly for the extra experience but also for a insurance discount.

Another reason for not getting a inferior car is because ill be moving to a new flat/house soon with the Mrs so id rather spend my car budget now-just to be on the safe side;)

Ok i resent the 18 year old boyracer remark. Ive got a cup ive been driving 7 months and im 18 next week. Its up to you if you get a 182 but for a first car it isnt a good place to start as these cars get torque steer lift off oversteer theyll spin if you brake in a corner (unless you have traction control) but the worst thing is speed is addictive!! i might sound like a hypercrit or woteva but ive been driving since i was 12 and ragging hire cars since 14. But by no means am i a brilliant driver if you get the 182 be very carfull cus if its liek the cup it will bite


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped

Well i didnt expect this amount of feedback, so thanks to you all:D

Yep i know, like ive said previous i am mad getting this as a 1st car but ill handle it;)

It wont end in tears unless i abuse the car, which i wont ( self control is my middle name)

Ill take it easy i promise and ill also check out some extra high speed driver training- if theres such a thing

Failing that ill let my Mrs drive it (6+ yrs driving NCB)

End of the day its what i want, and i usually get what i want in the end;)

Id like to retract my boyracer comments, theres always that 1% that are ok!:D
  Fiat Coupe 20v turbo

:confused: Driving since 14 (on the road?) and a cup at 17 wtf! How do you afford/insure a cup at that age? Oh and I dont see how traction control would help stop you swapping ends if you brake going round a corner!?

I know youve already decided, but my opinion is still the same no matter how old you are... how sensible you are... etc

Some of the most straight-laced people I know are totally different once theyve some power under their right foot.

Even if you can hold yourself back from using all that power (and I really cant see it), youll be having some kind of knock in it at some point - and its your pocket itll hurt...

Quote: Originally posted by MartinS on 17 May 2004

:confused: Driving since 14 (on the road?) and a cup at 17 wtf! How do you afford/insure a cup at that age? Oh and I dont see how traction control would help stop you swapping ends if you brake going round a corner!?
Second must be loaded????
