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North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep

o be honest im pretty uneducated when it comes to in car entertainment and what not, always though it was a bit chav to have the subs and everything!!

How much is it gonna cost me for a decent sound system in my 182? Is the standard CD and speakers any good in the 182? Sounds ok to me but there is always room for improvement!

^ 2nd that, then the next step woulb be the

front speakers,

then amping them up

then adding a sub

but it all depends on your budjet
  Scenic mk1 (F3R)

i transpkanted my system from my fiesta into mine but id say head unit and then sub and amp can do speakes later but all depends if u want bass or qualiy first i wanted bass
  RB 182

Is it just me but the tweaters on the front dash are rubbish! The make funny noise when you play music to anything like 23+ on the standard HU
