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I feel so bad!


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
I got Betty out last night for the weekend as its suppose to be a good one, came out to her this morning + she was frozen up :dapprove: I felt awful seeing her so cold! After driving her today down back roads covered in ice was not good! She'll need washing every day to get all the salt off :rolleyes:

Was great to drive her again though as always :D Such a brilliant little car, I forget :eek:
Mines been hiding since end of November too so know what you mean. If there's a sunny, saltless day on the weekend sometime I'll take her out. Saves so much money doesn't it!
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Mine's just done another 300 miles today. I love it - beats sitting in miserable old Euroboxes.
  Cayman S Edition 1
My Trophy's been tucked up in my garage over xmas. So the 225's been getting all the salt abuse. Had a good valet today though so looks like new again:)


ClioSport Club Member
Iirc unlike slugs, cars will not disolve in the salt so you'll be ok. Unless they're Williams. ;)
Why use it when I've got no reason to? Saves the pennies for a bit and means I can enjoy it more in the summer months.

Company vehicle with fuel card ftw!


ClioSport Club Member
  Trophy, TVR Tamora
mehh vee's are plastic so i dont feel too bad about the state of mine at the mo :) dirty b**ch :D
  Astra Twintop
Honestly, the stupidity of some people amazes me.

Its a car FFS, not a small child!

Just drive it, rain, sun, snow for all i care it could rain frogs and id still drive it!
  clio 172 exclusive
the salt isnt good for the paint but i still drive mine all the time, there could be a freak tornado id still give it a go haha as long as u give it a rinse off to get rid of the salt, or branches/livestock in a tornado ul be fine!


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
ive done 1300 miles since 20th of dec, cant even read my numberplate.

Really cant be arsed to clean it.
  Evo 8 MR
I feel I should be blasting mine at least to get rid of the harmful stuff but it will get covered in it again anyway so its like meh, clean it when it gets full of it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Trophy, TVR Tamora
exactly, i love it but drive it whatever the weather! been through two winters now and scares me every time! :D
It's a Clio with plastic arches glued on with No More Nails. Not a f**king E-Type. Get a grip FFS.
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  RS6+ & 40d MSport X5
Ali's is in an atmospheric bubble surrounded by 14c air!

This thread is a joke lol!

Dont think my car has been washed since i bought it 5 months ago!

Spotless inside tho!
