The turbo is dead long live the supercharger...
If you put a Turbo on a 2 litre engine its like having a 2 litre turbo engine...
Put a supercharger on a 2 litre engine and its like adding another couple of cylinders, itd basically be like a 3 litre engine.
Ford are in the process of developing the new generation of Rotrex supercharger for their next generation of cars and a lot of the other big manufactures are looking to follow suit.
If you want big power then the turbo is always going to be a better option but a S/C on its own will give you around an extra 50% add an intercooler and your looking at 100%
p.s. i was only kidding about the Turbo being dead, it a matter of horses for courses, swings and roundabout and all that, but if you want a good power increase with a smooth power and torque delivery over a wide range the supercharger is a better option than the turbo
GMC will help you put a Supercharger on anything... give them a call