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ICE upgrade for Cup

Considering upgrading the head unit and speakers but have lost touch with this side of things - havent played around with in-car hi-fi for 5 yrs or so.

Dont really want to spend more than £500 (CD head unit + 4 speakers) - want something with a bit of punch but dont want to blow the budget and have amp, sub, etc.

Standard intallation just lacks guts, not punchy enough - will upgrade of head unit and speakers be enough ?

Was considering Alpine unit and infinity speakers - any recommendations, tips on what features to look out for on current range of head units and guidance on installation ?

  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2

The only ICE upgrade for the Cup I can think of is by a company called...

"removal" ;)

You know it makes sense....

Thanks for taking the time to post info.

So head unit plus front components and amp would be adequate then ?

Anyone else got any views on Alpine ALP-CDA9812RB head unit ?

Not heard of DLS - well rated ?

If i go for components, can the tweeter component be fitted in place of the OE units on top of the dash or will they have to be fitted elsewhere ?

Is head unit installation straightforward - guess I need some sort of u-shaped pin to remove the OE unit ?


Quote: Originally posted by scooby stu on 26 October 2004

So head unit plus front components and amp would be adequate then ?

in terms of improving the sound quality on the whole, yes, this will increase the sound ten-fold

Anyone else got any views on Alpine ALP-CDA9812RB head unit ?

above average mid priced unit, good buy

Not heard of DLS - well rated ?

very well rated

If i go for components, can the tweeter component be fitted in place of the OE units on top of the dash or will they have to be fitted elsewhere ?

they can be fitted anywhere, i prefer to mountthem within 2 inches of the mid driver, but the factory locations can be used if you so wish, just remember, if you do fit them elsewhere, to remove or disconnect the oem tweeters as they will cause the sound to be far too harsh

Is head unit installation straightforward - guess I need some sort of u-shaped pin to remove the OE unit ?

no, just an old metal coat hanger that you can cut up and bend

