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Inferno 182 - Help, confused!!!

  Inferno Cliosport 182 FF
Hi guys, need a little help here! I'm getting a little confused coz I'm new to this site!

I have an inferno 182 that isn't a cup (well I don't think it is as it has the xnenon lights, climate control and all the other things a cup doesn't!!). Does anyone know how many non cup inferno's were registered? Is my car rare?

Also, is at classed as a full fat because it isn't a cup??!!

Sorry for sounding a little thick but like I said, I'm new to this! :)

P.S - I F**king love my car! Lol.


ClioSport Club Member
Welcome :)

Are you ginger or is that just a reference to your car? :rasp:
  Inferno Cliosport 182 FF
Welcome :)

Are you ginger or is that just a reference to your car? :rasp:

Lol! No, not ginger just a name I've used for years on forums. Think it was coz I had red and I mean red hair at the time! Never even thought about being with reference to my car though! ;)
  Inferno Cliosport 182 FF
Welcome to ClioSport.

You car is classed as a full fat or FF for short.

Sales data is available here.

Thanks for that! Does that mean there are only 20 FF in inferno colour or am I being thick once again?! Mine has the spoiler on the back but don't think it's the cup one, then again I'm not sure what the cup one looks like, lol! God, I'm such a novice!!! :S


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
there is:
182- No cup packs, (silver alloys)
182 FF = 182 with both cup packs (Gun metal wheels and cup spoiler)
182- cup, has no leather, xenons etc but has the gun metal wheels
  Inferno Cliosport 182 FF
there is:
182- No cup packs, (silver alloys)
182 FF = 182 with both cup packs (Gun metal wheels and cup spoiler)
182- cup, has no leather, xenons etc but has the gun metal wheels

I sound really thick! Mine has the grey coloured alloys, can't remember the proper word for them and has a little spoiler on the back!!
