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Insurance On Clio

Reason Ive made another thread about the same thing is because somebody has moved the thread and for some reason I cant post a comment on my own thread bit daft but moving on! lol

earlier I made a thread about whether to keep my clio or not , well ive made my decision to keep the clio!

Ive been doing insurance quotes on , I currently have 1NCB as Ive only been driving 1 year but I put in I have 2 as its almost the end of the 1st year so below are the 2NCB prices

Vauxhall Corsa SXi 1.2 2004 = £1,153,73p
Corsa 1.4 SRi 2005 = £1,144,19p

got a few different prices for different models/years etc.. but anyways I done a quote on my current clio and the price for that is £1,104,97p

it seems the clio is cheaper and keeping it would be a lot less hassle , so what am going to do is keep it for many more years to come :)


ClioSport Club Member
Seriously, just keep the Clio for a good couple of years. Save up for whatever you want then. But for the love of god don't buy a 1.4 Corsa. I'd rather walk.
Ive been doing insurance quotes on , I currently have 1NCB as Ive only been driving 1 year but I put in I have 2 as its almost the end of the 1st year so below are the 2NCB prices

^^^is it me not reading correctly or are you providing false information on quote's? have fun trying to prove it mate! you will fit in really well in the general chat section under the thread "influx of idiots"

thanks for coming


ClioSport Club Member
Sensible decision, just work on getting your ncb up now & save your monies for something a bit nippier in a couple of years.
yeah I couldn't agree more, am keeping the clio for a good couple more years before I do move to something else.
it only has 76k on the clock and has had all kinds replaced so its running perfect for a 52 plate car plus its got a few things to be fitted aswell like coilovers/exhaust system :)
Do you live with parents? or infact anyone in the household that drives? if so do admiral mutliquote on all the cars! and your quote should be lower than what your fetching back at the moment
^^^is it me not reading correctly or are you providing false information on quote's? have fun trying to prove it mate! you will fit in really well in the general chat section under the thread "influx of idiots"

thanks for coming

Calm the f**k down alright matey!


ClioSport Admin
Reason Ive made another thread about the same thing is because somebody has moved the thread and for some reason I cant post a comment on my own thread bit daft but moving on! lol

Your previous thread was moved to Other Marques as it was felt that was a more appropriate sub forum. You can't post in there because your not a Cliosport Club Member.
Do you live with parents? or infact anyone in the household that drives? if so do admiral mutliquote on all the cars! and your quote should be lower than what your fetching back at the moment

Still living at home , and no just me who drives
Your previous thread was moved to Other Marques as it was felt that was a more appropriate sub forum. You can't post in there because your not a Cliosport Club Member.

Alright thanks for letting me know


ClioSport Club Member
It's agonising at times, but the longer you can stick it out with he 1.2 the better.
You don't want to end up one of these people who pay £6k insurance.
Its defo best to build up your no claims bonus, It will be worth it in a few years.

It's agonising at times, but the longer you can stick it out with he 1.2 the better.
You don't want to end up one of these people who pay £6k insurance.

The longer I can stick out the 1.2 the better so the clio aint going nowhere for many years to come , and yeah when I do eventually get something else it will be worth the wait so in a way I dont mind that much
