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Internet stops working but stays connected... Help??

  Swift Sport
I'm trying to help my parents out, their Internet regularly crashes and stops responding and fails to load web pages. This happens pretty much every time they use it and particularly when visiting new sites as it appears to stay connected longer on sites that my parents browse more regularly, but will still eventually stop working.

I know nothing about computers so I was hoping you guys might be able to suggest something?
  182 Trophy #333
Is it wireless? This happened to us when we moved house, changing the wireless channel from 6 to 11 solved the problem, there were alot of neighbouring networks running on channel 6 and this was obviously causing interference, strongest channels to go for are 1, 6 and 11, might be worth a shout, if its cabled what router are they using etc? I had a similar problem with a linksys router doing this, said it was connected to the internet etc but couldn't browse the web at all, the only fix for that one was to replace the router!
As mentioned, stick chrome on if it's not already on. Then flush the dns resolver cache do this by pressing WINDOWS KEY + R > type CMD > Click OK > type 'ipconfig /flushdns' > press enter. Also try downloading a program called inSSIDer# to see if there is any wireless interference (providing the computer is on wifi), if there is change the wireless channel on your router. Also try turning off wifi on the pc and use a cable to test if the connection is any better (again providing you are using wireless). You can also try rebooting the router if you haven't done already and also ensure there is a filter on every phone in the house.

Hope this helps.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
It could be anything from the ISP to your wireless adaptor/driver, browser etc. I'd be looking at narrowing it down 1st by seeing if your phone or another laptop drops the connection at the same time!
  Swift Sport
No, my laptop in my room is fine and never crashes.

I've tried the DNS resolver cache thing but that's made no difference and I can't change the wireless channel until my parents set up an online account with BT.

As my laptop doesn't suffer with the same issues maybe none of the above will help?
