Ffs, wifi in unbearable (iPad), I thought this was delayed to fix this issue?
Mine is the sameKeep losing connection!
updated and i have no new text tones? or mobile me? :S
Glad I'm not the only one then, hopefully it will get sorted as web browsing is very frustrating, and I have 16 apps to download and I've got one down in the last hour.
Anybody having wifi issues on the iPhone with the update please?
Reset network settings.
Thanks, but on the iPad Tom?
I can't see a reset like on the iPhone, its the ipad i have wifi issues on, pages not loading, apps not downloading and i know my conenction is ok as the iphone and laptop are having no issues.
It's funny that the release was delayed because of a wifi issue on the ipad, and yet thats the only issue i seem to be having.
You can't do it with vids you've taken yourself. It's strange, but I'm sure it's something they'll add.
If you have vids synced from iTunes, then you can airplay them.
Only with the ATV, you cant airplay to a mac. And Airplay is one way only Device (Mac, iPT, iPhone, iPad) to Apple TV/Airport Express.