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iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (READ THE FIRST POST!!!)

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  Revels Mum & Sister

What fees have you paid in total for that? Did they pay by Paypal?

I'm thinking of doing the same.

I whacked it on Ebay someone from Holland made an offer and I accepted (Outside of Ebay) so it was just Paypal fee's I walked away with £685.66 he paid £710 shipped. Shipping is going to be £17. So I make about £170 profit for doing nothing at all.

Not sure what fees ebay would charge. You would need to use a calculator
I whacked it on Ebay someone from Holland made an offer and I accepted (Outside of Ebay) so it was just Paypal fee's I walked away with £685.66 he paid £710 shipped. Shipping is going to be £17. So I make about £170 profit for doing nothing at all.

Not sure what fees ebay would charge. You would need to use a calculator

Cheers for that. :D


ClioSport Club Member
Youll pay the standard 10% so thats £70 quid gone already, then 5% paypal fees and your insertion fees...and then in 2 weeks when he does a chargeback on you or some other scam you pay him his 684 back...:dapprove:

EDIT: Slow response....

I'd be VERY wary of trading outside of ebay, he could so easily f**k you over and you wouldnt have a leg to stand on...have you checked the usual stuff, i.e he is fully verifed and the transaction is protected by paypal??
  Fiesta ST3
I whacked it on Ebay someone from Holland made an offer and I accepted (Outside of Ebay) so it was just Paypal fee's I walked away with £685.66 he paid £710 shipped. Shipping is going to be £17. So I make about £170 profit for doing nothing at all.

Not sure what fees ebay would charge. You would need to use a calculator

as said above, i wouldnt send anything that costs this much abroad

he can easily say you sent a box with bricks, what you gona do then?
  Revels Mum & Sister
Youll pay the standard 10% so thats £70 quid gone already, then 5% paypal fees and your insertion fees...and then in 2 weeks when he does a chargeback on you or some other scam you pay him his 684 back...:dapprove:

EDIT: Slow response....

I'd be VERY wary of trading outside of ebay, he could so easily f**k you over and you wouldnt have a leg to stand on...have you checked the usual stuff, i.e he is fully verifed and the transaction is protected by paypal??

I am not retarded. YES he is fully verified and YES the transaction is protected I have checked this.
  Revels Mum & Sister
as said above, i wouldnt send anything that costs this much abroad

he can easily say you sent a box with bricks, what you gona do then?

LOL show the tracking details to Paypal showing it delivered. It does not quite work like that....

Did someone forget to Preorder an iphone ;)
  Tesla MP3 2021
Just phoned up my local O2 Store just to check I can pop in later and pick up my Micro Sim....

Me - "Hi, Im just checking that I will be able to come to store and collect a Micro Sim later today"

Store - "Erm, I'm sorry Sir, you can only pick up a Micro Sim on the 24th"

Me - "Erm, well if you check your website you will find it says you can collect a sim from the 21st"

Store - "Oh right ok, hold on 2 seconds"

About 3 mins later....

Store - "Apologies, you are right. You can pop in anytime to collect your sim"
  E87 118d M Sport
You wonder why people on the intertubez get so confused when they have spoken to the GURU at their local store who has told them stuff no one else knows.
  Honda. Tesla Someday
I wish the networks would make things simple for a change! FFS, really pisses me off, just incompetance!
Youll pay the standard 10% so thats £70 quid gone already, then 5% paypal fees and your insertion fees...and then in 2 weeks when he does a chargeback on you or some other scam you pay him his 684 back...:dapprove:

Well, just listed on eBay.

Insertion = 75p
Based on BIN price, final value fee = £13.82
Paypal will then take 3.4% = £20ish

Will see how it goes.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I'm heading in to collect my microsim at lunchtime today so that I can get it activated and ready for Thursday. No doubt on the day o2's servers will go into meltdown as usual.
I have a question will the iPad microsim work in the iPhone 4?

I'm joking, I just wanted to make Revels sweat a little ;)

I can't wait for this now, hopefully I can get the morning off and have it for this weekend where I will be around aload of girls - my chat up line will be, want to see my new iPhone. They will dig it.
  1.8 Civic EX
just got my micro sim..woop!

Was easy as pie, just walked in the store, showed the print out of the Apple confirmation order, and he gave me the sim.

just have to call customer services now to activate it.
  57 Clio Campus Sport

Not yet shipped

Estimated Shipping: By June 24th
Estimated Delivery: 25 Jun, 2010 - 28 Jun, 2010

Product / Part No.
Unit Price​


Ext. Price​





Rate Plan:
No Voice Plan
No Data Plan
No Text Plan





SubTotal:£445.96 Tax:£78.04 Shipping Charge:£0.00 Total:£524.00

Why did I order that feckin bumper!??!?!
  Tesla MP3 2021
Just sent my sim swap request through, best to get it all done now rather than wait till the 24th when every man and his dog will be doing it.
  1.8 Civic EX
Just ring up Sales support and ask them to ship it seperately.

but all orders were showing those dates were they not? bumper or not. Mine certainly is.

Just called o2 Customer services, micro sim will be active in the next 24 hours :)
Because the bumpers are cheap (read gay) they only ship with something else or you have to pay an extra charge for delivery.

Just cancel the bumpers and you should still get it on 24th.
  Tesla MP3 2021
but all orders were showing those dates were they not? bumper or not. Mine certainly is.

Just called o2 Customer services, micro sim will be active in the next 24 hours :)

Nope, my order says it will be delivered on the 24th.

I have a seperate order for the bumber so thats all good.
  FN2 Type R GT
Not sure if it's any use to anyone as it's got my name on but someone can have my16gb preorder from Cardiff saint davids store if they want it? Can't pick it up and I'm planning on upgrading with o2..


ClioSport Club Member
Its gonna be £380 for me to pay off my current contract :(

Then I take it I'll have to pay for the phone with the contract I next set up?
  1.8 Civic EX
Called apple and they said will cancel the bumper and said would be here 24th, still saying 25th online though :(

haha i forgot i ordered the bumper too...oh well, I just called apple and they said if they have (the bumpers that is, which is quite likely) then it will still be delivered on the 24th, if not then it will be the 25th. I can wait a day tbh...I'd rather wait the extra day and have something to protect the phone from sratches etc from day 1 + as revels says, If i order the bumper seperatly it'll cost more.
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