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iPhone 4 - prices and running one

  "Navy" N17 TWO
I have a Nokia 5230 (I know lol :eek:)
Looking on another forum at an iphone 4 32gb - new, unopened (and any network apparently).

£400 - That a good price?
Seller also has the receipt for a years warranty with Apple

I have a contract with Vodafone until August but i'm not even using my contract phone as I hate it lol

Do I just need a micro-sim for it and play away?

  Mondial 172Cup (A/C)
£400 is a really good price for an unlocked 32GB iPhone 4... especially if its unmarked and with almost a years warranty! i would snap it up!

as for the process setting it up: walk into your local Vodafone store, tell them you have bought an iPhone 4 and you need a micro-sim and for them to perform a "sim-swap" (transferring your phone number onto the new sim)... the whole process takes about 20mins max.

one thing to remember though is that if you dont already have a internet bolt-on included in your tarriff, then its worth talking to them about adding one on to your existing contract else you will incur massive data charges when using the iPhone...

other than that, its pretty straight forward. Any questions, gimme a shout, (i currently work for Apple and used to work for Carphone Whorehouse so have pretty good knowledge of all things "iPhone") im always trolling the Apple forums on here... i have noticed theres also Revels & Tom (and others i cant remember) seem to know their stuff too... :)
