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iPhone 6 thread.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
I've never scratched/broken my iPhone glass. And that's with climbing around submarines all day too. I do keep it in a case though, I'm not barmy.


ClioSport Club Member
  Defender 90 300tdi
Screen protector + case ftw. Most people are on contract when getting these phone's and I for one am not going to have a trashed Iphone after 6 months with 18 to go and no way of getting out. These things costs serious cash nowadays, my advice is get a protector and a case the day you get the phone just in case, happy days.
Screen protector + case ftw. Most people are on contract when getting these phone's and I for one am not going to have a trashed Iphone after 6 months with 18 to go and no way of getting out. These things costs serious cash nowadays, my advice is get a protector and a case the day you get the phone just in case, happy days.

#notballin - 12 month contract is how I roll.
cracked front and back 4s held together with sticky tape, that's ballin

Any 'concrete' rumours on other devices? Mostly interested in a new iPad mini 3.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
#notballin - 12 month contract is how I roll.
Same here ;) never had a 24 month contract in my life and don't intend to start now! To be honest though before this year I always went on 18 month ones, but they seem to have disappeared now, via every single company, weird.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
The cost of the handsets/devices now it's no wonder.

I am excited to see how Apple price these new devices. Samsung are pretty high considering the use of cheaper materials so will Apple price higher because they can or will they sustain/match the current 5S kind of area to try and win back some Android converts?


ClioSport Club Member
Really? It wasn't the last time i had to buy one. Maybe things have changed i guess.

Yeah but that takes into consideration my usage. If you are a very low user it would be cheaper to buy outright. If you are medium to high user cheaper to buy on contract.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
People buy an iPhone on contract? Srs?

I do. its cheaper than buying outright. #MoreFoolYou

Really? It wasn't the last time i had to buy one. Maybe things have changed i guess.

I always buy outright too it is cheaper.

My contract is £18, an iPhone contract is going to be AT LEAST £45 for 24 months. So that means an extra £648, and you'll only get the lower spec one for that!


ClioSport Club Member
I always buy outright too it is cheaper.

My contract is £18, an iPhone contract is going to be AT LEAST £45 for 24 months. So that means an extra £648, and you'll only get the lower spec one for that!

Not true.

I paid £239 up front for mine, £35 a month with unlimited everything on a 12 month contract. Boom.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
That's actually a good deal Euge. No 12 monthers like that anymore.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Looking at voda quick check on an M8. This is the deal...

  CBR1000RR Fireblade
LOL at those 5S prices!!!!

My 5S is £37 a month, £30 upfront, 4G plan, 6GB, unlimited minutes, unlimited texts.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Is that an existing customer deal though? Because that sounds like a special to me! Lol!

It would be.

LOL at those 5S prices!!!!

My 5S is £37 a month, £30 upfront, 4G plan, 6GB, unlimited minutes, unlimited texts.

Thats not bad, i'm paying £38PM 4G plan, 8GB unlimited everything else + 24M spotify premium. £0 upfront. But thats not a walk in deal.
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  CBR1000RR Fireblade
It would be.

Thats not bad, i'm paying £38PM 4G plan, 8GB unlimited everything else + 24M spotify premium. £0 upfront. But thats not a walk in deal.

That's pretty good TBF.

I had the 6 month spotify but I hardly used it and Vodafone wanted to charge me for it after 6 months so I binned it off. Mine isn't a walk in deal either, I get 20% off through work. That's why I stopped paying cash for the handset and getting sim only deals because with the 20% off, I get the discount on the handset price too.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Yeah i'm running 30% which i doubt i'll get again. Gonna buy the 6 with cash. Keep this deal for another year and go sim only on the 6S.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I thought about getting the new iPhone, I've got about 18 months left on my current contract though so I doubt that that will be happening for me.
  Seat Leon Cupra 290
I will probably upgrade purely down to that fact I get about 6-8 hours out of a full charge on my 5 these days. Does anyone know what kind of discount you can get for NHS staff?
I will probably upgrade purely down to that fact I get about 6-8 hours out of a full charge on my 5 these days. Does anyone know what kind of discount you can get for NHS staff?

It'd be network dependant I'd think. I don't know why certain sectors seem to expect these entitlements, though.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
I will probably upgrade purely down to that fact I get about 6-8 hours out of a full charge on my 5 these days. Does anyone know what kind of discount you can get for NHS staff?
When I was buying my MBP my wife showing her work ID would've gotten me 6% discount. Student discount worked out around 18%.

I don't know if that is a set/standard scale though as I'm certain Apple give more when you spend more.

Can't imagine this is real but you never know.
